1 KURAT, G. (1965) Der Weinsberger Granit im suedlichen oesterreichischen Moldanubikum. Tschermaks Min. Petr. Mitt. 9, 202-227.
2 KURAT, G. und H. KURZWEIL (1965) Der Meteorit von Lanzenkirchen. Ann. Naturhist. Mus. Wien 68, 9-24.
3 KURAT, G. und H. H. ARLT (1966) Zur Analyse silikatischer Minerale mit der Elektronenstrahl-Mikrosonde; Microchimica Acta, Suppl. I., 222-231.
4 KURAT, G. (1967) Zur Entstehung der Chondren. Geochim. Cosmochim. Acta 31, 491-502.
5 KURAT, G. (1967) Einige Chondren aus dem Meteoriten von Mezoe-Madaras. Geochim. Cosmochim. Acta 31, 1843-1857.
6 KURAT, G. und W. RICHTER (1968) Ein Alkalifeldspat-Glas im Impaktit von Koefels/Tirol. Naturwiss. 55, 490.
7 KURAT, G. (1969) The formation of chondrules and chondrites and some observations on chondrules from the Tieschitz meteorite; In: P. M. Millman (ed. ), Meteorite Research, Reidel: Dordrecht, 185-190.
8 KURAT, G., K. FREDRIKSSON und J. NELEN (1969) Der Meteorit von Siena; Geochim. Cosmochim. Acta 33, 765-773.
8a KURAT, G. (1969) In memoriam Hubert Scholler; Ann. Naturhist. Mus. Wien 73, 11-13.
9 KURAT, G. (1970) Zur Genese des kohligen Materials im Meteoriten von Tieschitz; Earth Planet. Sci. Letts. 7, 317-324.
10 KURAT, G. (1970) Zur Genese der Ca-Al-reichen Einschluesse im Chondriten Lance; Earth Planet. Sci. Letts. 9, 225-231.
11 KOLLMANN, H. und G. KURAT (1970) Zur Strontiumverteilung im Riff und in den anschliessenden Gebieten des Gosaukammes; Ann. Naturhist. Mus. Wien 74, 409-415.
12 KURAT, G. (1971) Granat-Spinell-Websterit und Lherzolith aus dem Basalttuff von Kapfenstein, Steiermark; Tschermaks Min. Petr. Mitt. 16, 192-214.
13 KURAT, G. (1971) Die chemische Zusammensetzung von Glaesern und Chondrenmatrizes im Chondriten von Tieschitz; Chemie d. Erde 30, 235-249.
14 KURAT, G., K. KEIL, M. PRINZ and C. E. NEHRU (1971) Chondrules of lunar origin (abstract); Meteoritics 6, 285-286.
15 PRINZ, M., K. KEIL, G. KURAT and T. E. BUNCH (1971) A lunar feldspathic peridotite (12036) and its melt inclusions (abstract); Meteoritics 6, 301-302.
16 KURAT, G. und W. RICHTER (1972) Impaktite von Koefels, Tirol; Tschermaks Min. Petr. Mitt. 17, 23-45.
17 KEIL, K., G. KURAT, M. PRINZ and A. GREEN (1972), Lithic fragments, glasses and chondrules from Lunar 16 fines; Earth Planet. Sci. Letts. 13, 243-256.
18 KURAT, G. and K. KEIL (1972) Effects of vaporization and condensation on Apollo 11 glass spherules: Implications for cooling rates; Earth Planet. Sci. Letts. 14, 7-13.
19 BUSCHE, F. D., M. PRINZ, K. KEIL and G. KURAT (1972) Lunar zirkelite: a uranium bearing phase; Earth Planet. Sci. Letts. 14, 313-321.
20 KURAT, G. and H. G. SCHARBERT (1972) Compositional zoning in garnets from granulite facies rocks of the Moldanubian Zone, Bohemian Massif, Lower Austria; Earth Planet. Sci. Letts. 16, 379-382.
21 KURAT, G. (1972) Mondgesteine; Schriften d. Ver. z. Verbreitung naturwiss. Kenntnisse in Wien 112, 53-75.
22 GREEN, J. A., G. KURAT, K. KEIL and M. PRINZ (1972) Electron microprobe analyses of lithic fragments, glasses, chondrules and minerals from Lunar 16 fines; UNM Inst. of Meteoritics, Spec. Publ. 5, 16 pp.
23 KURAT, G., K. KEIL, M. PRINZ and C. E. NEHRU (1972) Chondrules of lunar origin; Proc. 3rd Lunar Sci. Conf., Geochim. Cosmochim. Acta, Suppl. 3, vol. 1, 707-721.
24 KURAT, G., K. KEIL, M. PRINZ and C. E. NEHRU (1972) A "chondrite" of lunar origin: Textures, lithic fragments, glasses and chondrules (abstract); In: Lunar Science III (C. Watkins, ed. ) Lunar Science Institute Contr. No. 88, 414-416.
25 KURAT, G. (1973) The Lance chondrite: further evidence for the complex development of chondrites (abstract); Meteoritics 8, 51-52.
26 PRINZ, M., E. C. NEHRU, G. KURAT, K. KEIL and G. H. CONRAD (1973) Electron microprobe analyses of lithic fragments, glasses, chondrules and minerals in Apollo 14 lunar samples; UNM Inst. of Meteoritics, Spec. Publ. 6, 38 pp.
28-1 28-2  HOINKES, G. and G. KURAT (1973) Spinel-bearing lithic fragments and chondrules from the Mezoe-Madaras chondrite (abstract); Meteoritics 8, 383-384.
29 KURAT, G., G. HOINKES und L. BARIC (1974) Dubrovnik: Ein Chondrit wie jeder andere ? (Zusammenfassung); Fortschr. Miner. 52, Beih. 2, 44-45.
30 KURAT, G., K. KEIL and M. PRINZ (1974) Rock 14318: a polymict lunar breccia with chondritic texture; Geochim. Cosmochim. Acta 38, 1133-1146.
31 KURAT, G. und L. PABST (1974) Katalog der Meteoriten-Praeparatesammlung der Mineralogisch-Petrographischen Abteilung des Naturhistorischen Museums Wien; Min. -Petr. Abt., Naturhist. Mus. Wien, Sonderpublikation 1/1974, 52 p.
32 SCHARBERT, H. G. and G. KURAT (1974) Distribution of some elements between coexisting ferromagnesian minerals in Moldanubian granulite facies rocks, Lower Austria; Tschermaks Min. Petr. Mitt. 21, 110-134.
33 KURAT, G., K. KEIL and M. PRINZ (1974) Petrology of some lithic fragments of alkalic high-alumina basalt composition from Apollo 12 coarse fines; Tschermaks Min. Petr. Mitt. 21, 179-195.
34 KURAT, G., G. NIEDERMAYR, J. KORKISCH und R. SEEMANN (1975) Zur Geochemie der postvariszischen Basisserie im westlichen Drauzug, Kaernten - Osttirol; Carinthia II 164. /84. Jg., 87-98.
35 KURAT, G. (1975) Der kohlige Chondrit Lance: Eine petrologische Analyse der komplexen Genese eines Chondriten; Tschermaks Min. Petr. Mitt. 22, 38-78.
36 KURAT, G., G. HOINKES and K. FREDRIKSSON (1975) Zoned Ca-Al-rich chondrule in Bali: New evidence against the primordial condensation model; Earth Planet. Sci. Letts, 26, 140-417.
37 HOINKES, G. and G. KURAT (1975) Preliminary report on the Bali carbonaceous chondrite (abstract); Meteoritics 10, 416-417.
38 KRACHER, A. and G. KURAT (1975) An unusual phosphate-sulfide assemblage in the Cape York iron meteorite (abstract); Meteoritics 10, 429-430.
39 KURAT, G. and A. KRACHER (1975) Preliminary report on the Cochabamba carbonaceous chondrite (abstract); Meteoritics 10, 432-433.
40 NELEN, J., G. KURAT and K. FREDRIKSSON (1975) The Renazzo chondrite - a reevaluation (abstract); Meteoritics 10, 464-465.
41 KURAT, G., A. KRACHER, R. WARNER and K. KEIL (1976) Luna 16 revisited: a progress report (abstract); Lunar Sci. VII, Lunar Sci. Inst., Houston, TX, USA 462-464.
42 KURAT, G., J. KORKISCH, G. NIEDERMAYR and R. SEEMANN (1976) U-Th-Geochemistry of Permian and Triassic Sediments of the Drauzug, Carinthia, Austria; Final Report, IAEA Contract no. 1374, 84 p.
43 KURAT, G., A. KRACHER und H. G. SCHARBERT (1976), Petrologie des oberen Erdmantels unterhalb von Kapfenstein, Steiermark (abstract); Fortschr. Miner. 54, Beih. 1, 53-54.
44 KURAT, G., P. PELLAS, V. P. PERELYGIN, S. G. STETSENKO and I. I. GAVROLOVA (1976) Determination of preatmospheric dimensions of the Eagle Station pallasite; Preprint of the Joint Inst. f. Nuclear Research, Dubna 1976, p 14-92 (Russisch).
45 HOINKES, G., G. KURAT and L. BARIC (1976) Dubrovnik: Ein L3-6 Chondrit; Ann. Naturhist. Mus. Wien 80, 39-55.
45a HOINKES, G., G. KURAT and L. BARIC (1977) Meteorit iz okolice Dubrovnika: hondrit L3-6. Geol. vjesnik 30, 459-476, Zagreb.
46 KURAT, G., A. KRACHER, K. KEIL, R. WARNER and M. PRINZ (1976) Composition and origin of Luna 16 aluminous mare basalts; Proc. Lunar Sci. Conf. 7th, 1301-1321.
47 KRACHER, A. and G. KURAT (1976) Group IIIAB iron meteorites: Accessory mineral composition as genetic indicator (abstract); Meteoritics 11, 314-315.
48 KURAT, G., H. PALME und B. SPETTEL (1977) Zur Geochemie des Erdmantels unterhalb von Kapfenstein, Steiermark (abstract); Fortschr. Miner. 55, Bh. 1, 170-171.
49 PERELYGIN, V. P. S. G. STETSENKO, I. I. GAVRILOVA, G. KURAT and P. PELLAS (1977) Determination of preatmospheric sizes of the pallasite Eagle Station; Geokhimija 6, 863-868 (Russisch).
50 KRACHER, A. and G. KURAT(1977) Silicate in the Carlton (IIIC) iron meteorite and possible relations to group IAB (abstract); Meteoritics 12, 282-283.
51 KURAT, G. and A. KRACHER (1977) A new type of Ca-Al-Na-rich inclusions with an igneous texture in the Lance carbonaceous chondrite (abstract); Meteoritics 12, 283-284.
52 MUELLER, W. F., G. KURAT and A. KRACHER (1977) Crystal structure and composition of cronstedtite from the Cochabamba carbonaceous chondrite (abstract); Meteoritics 12, 322.
53 PERELYGIN, V. P., S. G. STETSENKO, I. I. GAVRILOVA, G. KURAT, D. CHAILLOU, C. FIENI, and P. PELLAS (1977) Preatmospheric dimensions of Eagle Station pallasite (abstract); Meteoritics 12, 337-338.
54 KRACHER, A., G. KURAT and V. F. BUCHWALD (1977) Cape York: The extraordinary mineralogy of an ordinary iron meteorite and its implication for the genesis of IIIAB irons; Geochem. J. 11, 207-217.
55 KURAT, G., A. KRACHER and H. G. SCHARBERT (1977) The Earths upper mantle below Kapfenstein (Eastern Styria, Austria) (abstract); Mineral. Soc. Bull. 34, 6.
56 PALME, H., H. BADDENHAUSEN, H. HOFMEISTER, B. SPETTEL, H. WAENKE, and G. KURAT (1978) A comparison of the most primitive samples from the Earth, the moon and the eucrite parent body; Lunar Sci. IX, Lunar Sci. Inst. Houston, TX, USA, 853-855.
57 BONDI, M., A. MOTTANA, G. KURAT and G. ROSSI (1978) Cristallochimica del violano e delle schefferite de St. Marcel (Valle d`Aosta); Rendiconti, S. I. M. P. 34, 15-25.
58 KURAT, G., H. PALME, B. SPETTEL, H. HOFMEISTER and H. WAENKE (1978) Geochemistry of ultramafic xenoliths from Kapfenstein, Austria (abstract); IMA-Meeting, Novosibirsk 1978.
59 KURAT, G., A. KRACHER und H. G. SCHARBERT (1978) Olivin-Spinell Koexistenz in ultramafischen Xenolithen von Kapfenstein, Steiermark, OEsterreich (abstract); Fortschr. Miner. 56, Beih. 1, 74-75.
60 PALME, H., H. BADDENHAUSEN, K. BLUM, M. CENDALES, G. DREIBUS, H. HOFMEISTER, H. KRUSE, CH. PALME, B. SPETTEL, E. VILCSEK, H. WAENKE and G. KURAT (1978) New data on lunar samples and achondrites and a comparison of the least fractionated samples from the Earth, the moon and the eucrite parent body; Proc. Lunar. Planet. Sci. Conf. 9th, 25-57.
61 MOTTANA, A., G. ROSSI, A. KRACHER and G. KURAT (1979) Violan revisited: Mn-bearing omphacite and diopside; Tschermaks Min. Petr. Mitt. 26, 187-201.
62 KURAT, G. und V. A. GIRARDI (1979) Petrologie des praekambrischen mafisch-ultramafischen Komplexes von Cana Brava, Goias, Brasilien (abstract); Fortschr. Miner. 57. Beih. 1, 77.
63 KURAT, G., H. PALME, B. SPETTEL, H. BADDENHAUSEN, CH. PALME und H. WAENKE (1979) Geochemie der inkompatiblen Elemente in ultramafischen Xenolithen (abstract); Fortschr. Miner. 57, Beih. 1, 208-209.
64 KURAT, G. and A. KRACHER (1979) Hydrothermal activity on meteorite parent bodies (abstract); EOS Transact. Amer. Geophys. Union 60, 588-589.
65 KURAT, G. und A. KRACHER (1979) Mondgesteine; Almanach79 d. oesterr. Forsch. -Verband d. wiss. Ges. Oesterreichs 1979, 101-106.
66 MUELLER, W. F., G. KURAT and A. KRACHER (1979) Chemical and crystallographic study of cronstedtite in the matrix of the Cochabamba (CM2) carbonaceous chondrite; Tschermaks Min. Petr. Mitt. 26, 293-304.
67 KRACHER, A. und G. KURAT (1979) Physikalisch-chemische Prozesse bei der Bildung und Evolution der Planetoiden; OEsterr. Chemie-Zeitschr. 80, 205.
68 KRACHER, A., J. T. WASSON and G. KURAT (1979) The evolution of cores in small bodies - evidence from iron meteorites (abstract); LAS Workshop on Planetary Sci., Roma, Italy, April 23-27.
69 KURAT, G. and A. KRACHER (1979) Are "early condensates" condensates ? (abstract); LAS Workshop on Planetary Sci., Roma, Italy, April 23-27.
70 MOTTANA, A., G. KURAT, A. KRACHER, G. LIBORION and G. BELTRAMI (1979) Equilibri mineralogici tra carbonati e silicati nella lente manganesifera della Val Lanterna (Alpi Centrali, Sondrio) (abstract); Min. Soc. of Italy, Meeting Brixen, Sept. 10-15.
71 KURAT, G., H. PALME, B. SPETTEL, H. BADDENHAUSEN, H. HOFMEISTER, CH. PALME and H. WAENKE (1980) Geochemistry of ultramafic xenoliths from Kapfenstein, Austria: Evidence for a variety of upper mantle processes; Geochim. Cosmochim. Acta 44, 45-60.
72 HOINKES, G. and G. KURAT (1979) Nonspherical quenched ultrabasic liquids in Bali (abstract); Meteoritics 14, 423.
73 KRACHER, A. and G. KURAT (1979) Soroti - a meteorite with a metal/sulfide cotectic composition (abstract); Meteoritics 14, 461.
74 KURAT, G., A. KRACHER and K. KEIL (1979) Luna 16 microbreccia lithic fragments: samples of an early basalt filling of Mare Fecunditatis (abstract); Meteoritics 14, 463-464.
75 KURAT, G. and A. KRACHER (1980) A second case for early magnesian mare fillings; Lunar Sci. XI, Lunar Sci. Inst., Houston, TX, USA, 579-581.
76 KURAT, G. and A. KRACHER (1980) Basalts in the Lance carbonaceous chondrite; Z. Naturforsch. 35a, 180-190.
77 KURAT, G., A. KRACHER and K. KEIL (1980) Luna 16 microbreccia lithic fragments: Samples of an early basalt filling of Mare Fecunditatis; Tschermaks Min. Petr. Mitt. 27, 41-66.
78 KURAT, G. und A. KRACHER (1980) Mondgesteine; Der Sternenbote 23/7, 102-107.
79 KURAT, G., A. KRACHER und G. NIEDERMAYR (1980) Die Uranmineralisation von Lenz in Kaltenegg, Steiermark: Ein Beitrag zur Genese der permischen Uranvorkommen (abstract); Fortschr. Miner. 58, Beih. 1, 78-80.
80 KURAT, G. and A. KRACHER (1980) Lunar microbreccias: records of old mare fillings (abstract); EGS-Meeting, Budapest, August 24-29, 43.
81 KURAT, G. und A. KRACHER (1980) Mondgesteine; Universum 1980, 242-247.
82 KRACHER, A. and G. KURAT (1980) Ordinary chondrites: The spinel puzzle (abstract); Meteoritics 15, 319-320.
83 KLOB, H., A. KRACHER and G. KURAT (1981) The Ruhobobo, Rwanda meteorite: A new L6 chondrite; Meteoritics 16, 1-7.
84 KURAT, G. (1981) Laboratory investigations on uraniferous rocks from northern Greece; Report to UNDP and IAEA, project GRE-79-004, Techn. Report, 38 p; IAEA Vienna.
85 PALME, H., G. KURAT, B. SPETTEL, A. V. SOBOLEV, F. BRANDSTAETTER und H. WAENKE (1981) Meimechite: Alkalische, ultrabasische Schmelzen aus dem Erdmantel (abstract); Fortschr. Miner. 59, Beih. 1, 148-149.
86 SPETTEL, B., G. NIEDERMAYR, H. PALME, G. KURAT und H. WAENKE (1981) Spurenelemente in Fluoriten aus alpinen Klueften (abstract); Fortschr. Miner. 59, Beih. 1, 191-192.
87 KURAT, G. and A. KRACHER (1981) Magnesian feldspathic basalts and KREEP from Luna 24 core sample 24114; Proc. Lunar Planet. Sci. 12B, 1-19.
88 FREDRIKSSON, K., B. MASON, R. BEAUCHAMP and G. KURAT (1981) Carbonates and magnetites in the Renazzo chondrite (abstract); Meteoritics 16, 316.
89 KRACHER, A., F. BRANDSTAETTER and G. KURAT (1981) Spinel chondrules: Further clues to ordinary chondrite precursor rocks (abstract); Meteoritics 16, 342.
90 KURAT, G., F. BRANDSTAETTER, H. PALME and M. CHRISTOPHE MICHEL-LEVY (1981) Rusty Ornans (abstract); Meteoritics 16, 343-344.
91 KURAT, G., G. NIEDERMAYR und M. PRINZ (1982) Peridot von Zabargad, Rotes Meer; Aufschluss 33, 169-182.
92 KURAT, G., G. NIEDERMAYR, M. PRINZ and F. BRANDSTAETTER (1982) High temperature peridotite intrusive into an evaporite sequence, Zabargad, Egypt (abstract); Terra cognita 2, 240.
93 KURAT, G. (1982) Impact origin of chondrules (abstract). Conf. Chond. Origins, Lunar Planet. Inst. Houston, TX, USA, 36.
94 KURAT, G., E. PERNICKA, I. HERRWERTH and A. EL GORESY (1982) Geochemistry of Chainpur chondrules; evidence for evaporation and recondensation (abstract); Conf. Chond. and Their Origins, Lunar Planet. Inst. Houston, TX, USA, 37.
95 CHRISTOPHE MICHEL-LEVY, M., G. KURAT and F. BRANDSTAETTER (1982) A new calcium-aluminate from a refractory inclusion in the Leoville carbonaceous chondrite; Earth Planet. Sci. Letts. 61, 1322.
96 GIRARDI, V. A. V. and G. KURAT (1982) Precambrian mafic and ultramafic rocks of the Cana Brava Complex, Brazil - Mineral compositions and evolution; Revista Bras. Geociencias 12, 313-323.
97 FUDALI, R. F., M. KREUTZBERGER, G. KURAT and F. BRANDSTAETTER (1983) ALHA 81005: Aspects of a glassy meteorite from the moon bearing on some problems in extraterrestrial glass-making (abstract); Glass in Planetary and Geology Phenomena, Alfred Univ., New York, August 14-18, 1983.
98 KURAT, G., F. BRANDSTAETTER, H. PALME, B. SPETTEL, M. PRINZ and J. TOURET (1983) Mobilizations in upper mantle rocks from Zabargad, Red Sea (abstract); Terra cognita 3, 125.
99 KURAT, G., E. PERNICKA, I. HERRWERTH and A. EL GORESY (1983) Geochemistry of Chainpur chondrules (abstract); Terra cognita 3, 75-76.
100 KURAT, G. and F. BRANDSTAETTER (1983) Meteorite ALHA 81005: A lunar highland breccia (abstract); Lunar Planet. Sci. XIV, Abstracts from Session on Meteorites from Earths, Moon. Lunar Planet. Inst. Houston, TX, USA, 14-15.
101 KURAT, G. and F. BRANDSTAETTER (1983) Meteorite ALHA 81005: Petrology of a new lunar highland sample; Geophys. Res. Letts. 10, 795-798.
102 BRANDSTAETTER, F. and G. KURAT (1983) All-Jim: A large Ca-Al-rich chondrule from Allende (C3) (abstract); Meteoritics 18, 272.
103 KURAT, G., E. PERNICKA, I. HERRWERTH and A. EL GORESY (1983) Prechondritic fractionation of Chainpur constituents: Evidence for strongly reducing conditions in the early solar system (abstract); Meteoritics 18, 330-331.
104 PALME, H., D. MUELLER, L. SCHULTZ, B SPETTEL, H. WAENKE, H. WEBER, F. WLOTZKA, F. BRANDSTAETTER and G. KURAT (1983) The Mainz meteorite (abstract); Meteoritics 18, 370.
105 SIMOVA, F., G. KURAT and A. KRACHER (1983) Uranium silicates from Zirovsky Vrh deposit, Yugoslavia; Geol. Balcanica 13, 63-80.
106 KURAT, G., E. PERNICKA and I. HERRWERTH (1984) Chondrules from Chainpur (LL-3): reduced parent rocks and vapor fractionation; Earth Planet. Sci. Letts. 68, 43-56.
107 SIMOVA, F., G. KURAT and A. KRACHER (1984) Coffinite from the Zirovsky Vrh (Yugoslavia), Forstau (Austria) and Ambrosia Lake (USA) deposits; Abstracts 10, Sect. 10, 11; Internat. Geol. Congr. , Moscow, 325-326.
108 KURAT, G., TH. NTAFLOS, F. BRANDSTAETTER, H. PALME, B. SPETTEL, M. PRINZ and J. TOURET (1984) Metasomatism of upper mantle rocks from Zabargad island, Red Sea; Abstracts 10, Sect. 10, 11; Internat. Geol. Congr. , Moscow, 324-325.
109 KURAT, G. (1984) Geochemistry of chondrules: Fractionation processes in the early solar system; Abstracts 10, Sect. 10, 11; Internat. Geol. Congr. , Moscow, 325-326.
110 BRANDSTAETTER, F. und G. KURAT (1984) Freies SiO2 in gewoehnlichen Chondriten (abstract); Forschr. Miner. 62, Beih. 1, 30-32.
111 NTAFLOS, TH., F. BRANDSTAETTER und G. KURAT (1984) Petrologie der Ultramafitite von Zabargad, Rotes Meer (abstract); Fortschr. Miner. 62, Beih. 1, 174-176.
112 KURAT, G. (1984) Geochemistry of chondrules: Fractionation processes in the early solar system; Proc. 27th Internat. Geol. Congr. 11, 155-197.
113 SIMOVA, F., G. KURAT, A. KRACHER, F. BRANDSTAETTER and L. PABST (1984) Uranium titaniumsilicates from different types of uranium deposits; Geochem. Mineral. Petrol. 18, 43-55.
114 FUDALI, R. F., M. KREUTZBERGER, G. KURAT and F. BRANDSTAETTER (1984) Aspects of a glassy meteorite from the moon bearing on some problems in extraterrestrial glass-making; J. Non-Crystalline Solids 67, 383-396.
115 KURAT, G. (1985) Geochemistry of chondrules from carbonaceous, ordinary and E chondrites; Tenth Symp. Antarctic Meteorites, 25-27 March 1985, Nat. Inst. Polar Res., Tokyo, 18-1 - 18-3.
116 EMBEY-ISZTIN, A., G. NOSKE-FAZEKAS, G. KURAT and F. BRANDSTAETTER (1985) Genesis of garnets in some magmatic rocks from Hungary; Tschermaks Min. Petr. Mitt. 34, 49-66.
117 KURAT, G., H. PALME, F. BRANDSTAETTER, B. SPETTEL and V. P. PERELYGIN (1985) Allende chondrules: Distillations, condensations and metasomatism (abstract); Lunar Planet. Sci. XVI, 471-472.
118 PALME, H., G. KURAT, F. BRANDSTAETTER, A. BURGHELE, J. HUTH, B. SPETTEL and F. WLOTZKA (1985) An unusual chondritic fragment from the Allende meteorite (abstract); Lunar Planet. Sci. XVI, 645-646.
119 KURAT, G., H. PALME, E. PERNICKA, F. BRANDSTAETTER, B. SPETTEL, H. HERRWERTH and V. P. PERELYGIN (1985) Metal formation and fractionation of siderophile elements in the solar nebula (abstract); Abstracts All Union Conf., Yakutsk, USSR, 22-24.
120 KURAT, G., TH. NTAFLOS, H. PALME, G. DREIBUS, B. SPETTEL and J. TOURET (1985) Upper mantel vein pyroxenites: Evidence for non-magmatic origin (abstract); Terra cognita 5, 439-440.
121 JOVANOVIC, L., TH. NTAFLOS and G. KURAT (1985) Petrology of some ultramafic xenoliths from the kimberlites of Yakutia (abstract); Terra cognita 5, 442.
122 KOSTIC, A., L. JOVANOVIC, G. KURAT and F. BRANDSTAETTER (1985) Closure temperatures from mineral pairs in chondritic meteorite Jelica (LL-6); Bull. Mus. dHist. Nat., Belgrade, Ser. A 39, 141-156.
123 BRANDSTAETTER, F., E. KIRCHNER, A. KRACHER, und G. KURAT (1985) Der Meteorit von Ybbsitz: Petrologie und Mineralchemie. Mit einem Anhang ueber die Probenverteilung zur internationalen Studie; Ann. Naturhist. Mus. Wien 87A, 11-20.
124 PARSLOW, G., F. BRANDSTAETTER, G. KURAT and D. J. THOMAS (1985) Chemical ages and mobility of U and Th in anatectites of the Creek Lake zone, Saskatchewan; Canad. Mineral. 23, 543-551.
125 BRANDSTAETTER, F. and G. KURAT (1985) On the occurrence of silica in ordinary chondrites (abstract), Meteoritics 20, 615-616.
126 PERNICKA, E., I. HERRWERTH, G. KURAT and F. BRANDSTAETTER (1985) Chainpur (LL-3): Fractionated siderophile elements in chondrules, fragments and chondrite matrix (abstract); Meteoritics 20, 729-730.
127 TESHIMA, J., I. D. HUTCHEON, J. T. ARMSTRONG, G. J. WASSERBURG and G. KURAT (1985) A Petrographic and Mg isotopic study of CAI in Bali (C3V) and Coolidge (C4V) (abstract); Meteoritics 20, 771-772.
128 FUCHS, G., G. KURAT and TH. NTAFLOS (1986) Ein Peridotit-Vorkommen im Silvretta-Kristallin suedlich von Galtuer; Jb. Geol. B. -A. 129, 283-290.
129 KURAT, G. (1986) Die Meteorite; Skripten zum 14. Sternfreunde-Seminar, Wiener Planetarium, p 137-170.
130 KOEBERL, CH., TH. NTAFLOS, G. KURAT and C. F. CHAI (1987) Petrology and geochemistry of the Ningqiang (CV3) chondrite (abstract); Lunar Planet. Sci. XVIII, 499-500.
131 KURAT, G. (1987) The OC puzzle: Pre- and synaccretionary processes offer a solution (abstract); Lunar Planet. Sci. XVIII, 521-522.
132 KURAT, G., H. PALME, F. BRANDSTAETTER and H. HUTH (1987) Allende-AF: Undisturbed record of condensation, accretion and metasomatism (abstract); Lunar Planet. Sci. XVIII, 523-524.
133 NAZAROV, M., F. BRANDSTAETTER, A. A. ULYANOV, G. M. KOLESOV and G. KURAT (1987) Metal-rich CAIs in Efremovka (C3) (abstract); Lunar Planet. Sci. XVIII, 702-703.
134 FAHEY, A., E. ZINNER and G. KURAT (1986) Anomalous Ca and Ti in a hercynite-hibonite inclusion from Lance (abstract); Meteoritics 21, 359-361.
135 NTAFLOS, TH., G. KURAT, F. BRANDSTAETTER and J. TOURET (1986) Zabargad Island peridotites: hydrothermal activities within the upper mantle beneath the Red Sea (abstract); Internat. Sympos. Exploration Geochemistry, IGME-AEG, Athens, Nov. 1986, 46.
136 GRADY, M. M., A. L. GRAHAM, D. J. BARBER, D. AYLMER, G. KURAT, T. NTAFLOS, U. OTT, H. PALME and B. SPETTEL (1987) Yamato-82042: An unusual carbonaceous chondrite with CM affinities; Mem. Nat. Inst. Polar Res. Tokyo, Spec. Issue 46, 162-178.
137 OBERLI, F., Th. NTAFLOS, M. MEIER and G. KURAT (1987) Emplacement age of the peridotites from Zabargad Island (Red sea): a zircon U-Pb isotope study (abstract); Terra cognita 7, 334.
138 KURAT, G. (1987) Fraktionierungsprozesse im fruehen Sonnensystem; Mitt. OEsterr. Mineral. Ges. 132, 9-19.
139 DJORDJEVIC, P., L. JOVANOVIC, S. KARAMATA, G. KURAT, V. MAJER and TH. NTAFLOS (1987) Thermal and tectonic history of some ultramafic rocks of Brezovica - the Livad mass, Yugoslavia (abstract); Ofioliti 12, 245.
140 JOVANOVIC, L. and G. KURAT (1987) Comparative geothermometry and geospeedometry of ophiolites (abstract); Ofioliti 12, 247.
141 MOTTANA, A., G. KURAT and G. LIBORIO (1987) Paragenesi manganesifere della Val Lanterna; Atti Ufficiali del Convegno, Valmalenco Natura-1, 27. -29 Sept. 1986; Sondrio 1987, 68-74.
142 BRANDSTAETTER, F., G. KURAT and A. L. GRAHAM (1987) Primitive carbonates in Y82042 (C2) (abstract); Meteoritics 22, 336-337.
143 KURAT, G., F. BRANDSTAETTER, E. PERNICKA and A. KRACHER (1987) Bachmut (L6) chondrule J 2689: Metamorphism versus metasomatism (abstract); Meteoritics 22, 434.
144 KURAT, G., Th. NTAFLOS, M. MAYR and A. L. GRAHAM (1987) Isolated olivines in Y82042 (C2): Fractional condensation ? (abstract); Meteoritics 22, 435-437.
145 KURAT, G. (1988) Am Anfang war eine interstellare Wolke - Meteorite als Zeugen des Ursprungs; "Die Presse" (Wien) Spectrum, p X.
146 KURAT, G. (1988) Primitive meteorites: an attempt towards unification; Phil. Trans. R. Soc. Lond. A325, 459-482.
147 KURAT, G. and H. PALME (1989) Origin of chondrules (abstract); Lunar Planet. Sci. XX, 552-553.
148 KOEBERL, C., F. BRANDSTAETTER, G. NIEDERMAYR and G. KURAT (1989) Moldavites from Austria; Meteoritics 23, 325-332.
149 GRATZ, A. and G. KURAT (1988) Good news from Koefels, Austria: abundant lamellae in quartz. Abstracts "Rare Events in Geology", IGCP Project 199 Meeting, Vienna, Austria.
150 KURAT, G., M. MAYR, Th. NTAFLOS and A. L. GRAHAM (1989) Isolated olivines in the Yamato 82042 CM2 chondrite: The tracing of major condensation events in the solar nebula; Meteoritics 24, 35-42.
151 KURAT, G., H. PALME, F. BRANDSTAETTER and J. HUTH (1989) Allende xenolith AF: undisturbed record of condensation and aggregation of matter in the solar nebula; Z. Naturforsch. 44a, 988-1004.
152 PALME, H., G. KURAT, B. SPETTEL and A. BURGHELE (1989) Chemical composition of an unusual xenolith of the Allende Meteorite; Z. Naturforsch. 44a, 1005-1014.
153 BRANDSTAETTER, F., G. KURAT and H. FRANKE (1989) Olivines rich in minor elements from ordinary chondrites (abstract); Meteoritics 24, 254.
154 KURAT, G., E. ZINNER and H. PALME (1989) Primitive olivines with high trace element contents in Allende-AF aggregates; Meteoritics 24, 290.
155 LORIN, J. C., G. SLODZIAN, M. CHRISTOPHE-MICHEL LEVY, G. KURAT and H. PALME (1989) The oxygen of Rusty Ornans (abstracts); Meteoritics 24, 295.
156 PERNICKA, E., S. BAJT, K. TRAXEL, G. KURAT and F. BRANDSTAETTER (1989) Composition and interrelationship of chondrules, lithic fragments and fine-grained matrix from Chainpur (LL-3) (abstract); Meteoritics 24, 316.
157 SPETTEL, B., H. PALME and G. KURAT (1989) Have different parts of Allende sampled compositionally different chondrules ? (abstract); Meteoritics 24, 326-327
158 KURAT, G., F. BRANDSTAETTER and CH. KOEBERL (1990) Lunar meteorite Yamato-793274: A lunar highland sample possibly rich in mare minerals (abstract); 15th Sympos. Antarctic Meteorites, NIPR, Tokyo, 193-195.
159 KURAT, G. (1990) Mineralogie der Fruehkondensate in Meteoriten; Ges. Geol. Wiss. DDR, Berlin 1990, 7-8.
160 KOEBERL, CH. , G. KURAT and F. BRANDSTAETTER (1990) MAC88105 - A new meteorite from the lunar highlands: preliminary mineralogical, petrological and geochemical studies (abstract). - Lunar Planet. Sci. XXI, 645-646.
161 KOEBERL, CH., G. KURAT and F. BRANDSTAETTER (1990) Lunar meteorite Yamato-86032: Mineralogical, petrological and geochemical studies. - Proc. NIPR Symp. Antarct. Meteorites 3, 3-18.
162 KURAT, G. (1990) Are igneous processes the only way to make differentiated meteorites ? (abstract). - Meteoritics 25, 377-378.
163 KURAT, G., F. BRANDSTAETTER, M. MAYR and G. HOINKES (1990) Unusual metal from the Chela (H4) chondrite (abstract). - Meteoritics 25, 378.
164 KURAT, G., F. BRANDSTAETTER and M. MAURETTE (1991) Primitive phase compositions of micrometeorites from Cap-Prudhomme, Antarctica (abstract). - XVI. EGS Meeting, Wiesbaden 22. -26. April 1991, 377.
165 GRAHAM, A. L., G. KURAT (1991) Phyllosilicates in the Yamato 82042 carbonaceous chondrite - primitive or not ? (abstract). - Lunar Planet. Sci. XXII, 475.
166 KURAT, G., F. BRANDSTAETTER, H. PALME and B. SPETTEL (1991) Non-equilibria in the Acuna IIIAB iron (abstract). - Lunar Planet. Sci. XXII, 767-768.
167 DOBOSI, G., R. SCHULTZ-GUETTLER, G. KURAT and A. KRACHER (1991) Pyroxene chemistry and evolution of alkali basaltic rocks from Burgenland and Styria, Austria. - Mineral. Petrol., 43, 275-292.
168 BRANDSTAETTER, F., CH. KOEBERL and G. KURAT (1991) The discovery of iron barringerite in lunar meteorite Y-793274. - Geochim. Cosmochim. Acta 55, 1173-1174.
169 KURAT, G. (1991) Geologie und Geochemie der Insel Zabargad (AEgypten, Rotes Meer). - Begleitveroeffentlichung zu Film, Wiss. Film Nr. 42, 1991, 134-142.
170 MAURETTE, M., C. OLINGER, M. CHRISTOPHE MICHEL-LEVY, G. KURAT, M. POURCHETI, F. BRANDSTAETTER and M. BOUROT-DENISE (1991) A collection of diverse micrometeorites recovered from 100 tonnes of Antarctic blue ice. - Nature 351, 44-47.
171 KOEBERL, C., G. KURAT and F. BRANDSTAETTER (1991) Lunar meteorite Yamato-793274: mixture of mare and highland components and barringerite from the moon. - Proc NIPR Symp. Antarct. Met. 4, 33-55.
172 BRANDSTAETTER, F., G. KURAT und M. MAURETTE (1991) Pauschal- und Mineralchemismus antarktischer Mikrometeorite (abstract). - Beih. Europ. J. Mineral. 3/1, 40.
173 KURAT, G. (1991) Meteorite (abstract). - Beih. Europ. J. Mineral. 3/1, 159.
174 KURAT, G., T. NTAFLOS und H. KERSCHNER (1991) Geologie und Geochemie der Insel Zabargad (abstract). - Beih. Europ. J. Mineral. 3/1, 160.
175 NTAFLOS, T., G. KURAT und F. BRANDSTAETTER (1991) Ein dunitisches Fragment aus dem Mincy Mesosideriten (abstract). -Beih. Europ. J. Mineral. 3/1, 200.
176 PRESPER, T., G. KURAT and H. PALME (1991) Sind Chondren die Vorlaeufer einiger kosmischer Kuegelchen ? (abstract). - Beih. Europ. J. Mineral 3/1, 217.
177 ZIPFEL, J., H. PALME, S. SPECHT und G. KURAT (1991) Ca-Zonierung in Olivinen des Zabargad Peridotits: Hinweis auf eine langsame Abkuehlung (abstract). - Beih. Europ. J. Mineral. 3/1, 309.
178 KURAT, G. A. EMBEY-ISZTIN, A KRACHER and H. G. SCHARBERT (1991) The upper mantle beneath Kapfenstein and the Transdanubian Volcanic Region, E Austria and W Hungary: a comparison. - Mineral. Petrol. 44, 21-38.
179 KOEBERL, C., G. KURAT and F. BRANDSTAETTER (1991) MAC88105 - A regolith breccia from the lunar highlands: Mineralogical, petrological and geochemical studies. - Geochim. Cosmochim. Acta 55, 3073-3087.
180 KURAT, G., F. BRANDSTAETTER, H. PALME, B. SPETTELand M. PRINZ (1991) Maralinga (CK4): Record of highly oxidizing nebular conditions (abstract). - Meteoritics 26, 360.
181 KOEBERL, C., G. KURAT, T. PRESPER, F. BRANDSTAETTER and M. MAURETTE (1992) Bulk major and trace element analyses of unmelted micrometeorites from Cap Prudhomme, Antarctica (abstract). - Lunar Planet. Sci. XXIII, 709-710.
182 KURAT, G., F. BRANDSTAETTER, E. ZINNER, H. PALME and B. SPETTEL (1992) A SIMS study of some Allende chondrules: support for the new chondrule model (abstract). - Lunar Planet. Sci. XXIII, 745-746.
183 KURAT, G., T. PRESPER, F. BRANDSTAETTER and C. KOEBERL (1992) CI-like micrometeorites from Cap Prudhomme, Antarctica (abstract). - Lunar Planet. Sci. XXIII, 747-748.
184 MAURETTE, M., G. IMMEL, M. PERREAU, M. POURCHET, C. VINCENT and G. KURAT (1992) The 1991 EUROMET collection of micrometeorites at Cap Prudhomme, Antarctica: Discussion of possible collection biases (abstract). - Lunar Planet. Sci. XXIII, 859-860.
185 MAURETTE, M., G. KURAT, T. PRESPER, F. BRANDSTAETTER and M. PERREAU (1992) Possible causes of depletion and enrichment of minor elements in Antarctic micrometeorites (abstract). - Lunar Planet. Sci. XXIII, 861-862.
186 PALME, H., B. SPETTEL, G. KURAT and E. ZINNER (1992) Origin of Allende chondrules (abstract). - Lunar Planet. Sci. XXIII, 1021-1022.
187 BRANDSTAETTER, F., G. KURAT and A. V. IVANOV (1992) Isolated minerals in Kaidun II (CI) (abstract). - Meteoritics 27, 206.
188 KURAT, G., C. KOEBERL, T. PRESPER, F. BRANDSTAETTER and M. MAURETTE (1992) Bulk compositions of Antarctic micrometeorites: Nebular and terrestrial signatures (abstract). - Meteoritics 27, 246.
189 KURAT, G., E. ZINNER and F. BRANDSTAETTER (1992) An ion microprobe study of an unique oldhamite-pyroxenite fragment from the Bustee aubrite (abstract). - Meteoritics 26, 246.
190 PERREAU, M., M. MAURETTE, G. KURAT and C. ENGRAND (1992) Carbon-rich phases in Cap-Prudhomme micrometeorites (abstract). - Meteoritics 27, 274.
191 PRESPER, T., G. KURAT and M. MAURETTE (1992) Preliminary report on the composition of anhydrous primary mineral phases in micrometeorites from Cap Prudhomme, Antarctica (abstract). - Meteoritics 27, 278.
192 KOEBERL, C., G. KURAT and F. BRANDSTAETTER (1992) Geochemical and mineralogical study of gabbroic lunar mare meteorites Asuka-881757 (Asuka-31) and Yamato-793169 (abstract). - 17th Symp. Antarct. Met., NIPR, Tokyo, 219-222.
193 KURAT, G. (1992) Geologie und Geochemie der Insel Zabargad (AEgypten, Rotes Meer). - Mitt. OEsterr. Miner. Ges. 137, 89-98.
194 KURAT, G. (1992) Der Erdmantel unterhalb der Steiermark und der restlichen Welt. - Mitt. OEsterr. Miner. Ges. 137, 165-166.
195 PALME, H., G. KURAT and B. SPETTEL (1993) Constraints on solar nebula evolution by chondrule formation. - Europ. Geophys. Soc. Wiesbaden 1993.
196 BRANDSTAETTER, F., G. KURAT, A. V. IVANOV, H. PALME and B. SPETTEL (1993) Mineralogy versus bulk composition of the carbonaceous chondrite clast Kaidun II (abstract). - Lunar Planet Sci. XXIV, 177-178.
197 ENGRAND, C., M. MAURETTE, G. KURAT, F. BRANDSTAETTER and M. PERREAU (1993) A new carbon-rich phase ("COPS") in Antarctic micrometeorites (abstract). - Lunar Planet. Sci. XXIV, 441-442.
198 NAZAROV, M. A., F. BRANDSTAETTER and G. KURAT (1993) Carbonaceous xenoliths from the Erevan howardite (abstract). - Lunar Planet. Sci. XXIV, 1053-1054.
199 NAZAROV, M. A., F. BRANDSTAETTER and G. KURAT (1993) Igneous rocks from Severnyi Kolchim (H3) chondrite: nebular origin (abstract). -Lunar Planet. Sci. XXIV, 1055-1056.
200 PERREAU, M., C. ENGRAND, M. MAURETTE , G. KURAT and TH. PRESPER (1993) C/O atomic ratios in micrometer-size crushed grains from Antarctic micrometeorites and two carbonaceous meteorites (abstract). -Lunar Planet. Sci. XXIV, 1125-1126.
201 PRESPER, TH., G. KURAT, C. KOEBERL, H. PALME and M. MAURETTE (1993) Elemental depletions in Antarctic micrometeorites and Arctic cosmic spherules: comparison and relationships (abstract). - Lunar Planet. Sci. XXIV, 1177-1178.
202 KURAT, G., Ch. KOEBERL, Th. PRESPER, F. BRANDSTAETTER and M. MAURETTE (1993) Micrometeorites from the Antarctic blue ice (abstract). - 18th Symposium on Antarctic Meteorites, NIPR, Tokyo, 153-156.
203 MATSUDA, J., K. NAGAO and G. KURAT (1993) Noble gases in Acuna iron meteorite (abstract). - 18th Symposium on Antarctic Meteorites, NIPR, Tokyo, 162-163.
204 KOEBERL, C., G. KURAT and F. BRANDSTAETTER (1993) Gabbroic lunar mare meteorites ASUKA-881757 (Asuka-31) and Yamato-793169: geochemical and mineralogical study. - Proc. NIPR Symp. Antarc. Meteorites 6, 14-34.
205 NTAFLOS, Th., G. KURAT, C. KOEBERL and F. BRANDSTAETTER (1993) Mincy dunite F6241B: The missing ultramafic component from mesosiderites (abstract). - Meteoritics 28, 414.
206 RYABCHIKOV, I. D., C. N. KOGARKO, G. KURAT and T. NTAFLOS (1993) Metallic alloys in upper mantle peridotites from Cape Verde Islands (abstract). - Terra Abstr. 3/5, 46.
207 KURAT, G., H. PALME, A. EMBEY-ISZTIN, J. TOURET, T. NTAFLOS, B. SPETTEL, F. BRANDSTAETTER, G. DREIBUS and M. PRINZ (1993) Petrology and geochemistry of peridotites and associated vein rocks of Zabargad Island, Red Sea, Egypt. - Mineral. Petrol. 48, 309-341.
208 BRANDSTAETTER, F., T. NTAFLOS and G. KURAT (1993) Electron microprobe analyses of minerals from peridotites and associated vein rocks of Zabargad Island, Red Sea, Egypt. - Spec. Publ. MPA, Naturhist. Mus. Wien, 25 pp.
209 MAURETTE, M., G. KURAT, M. PERREAU and C. ENGRAND (1993) Microanalyses of Cap-Prudhomme Antarctic micrometeorites. - Microbeam Analysis 2, 239-251.
210a KURAT, G., F. BRANDSTAETTER, T. PRESPER, C. KOEBERL and M. MAURETTE (1993) Micrometeorites (in Russian). - Geologia i Geofizika 34, 148-164.
210b G. KURAT, F. BRANDSTAETTER, T. PRESPER, C. KOEBERL and M. MAURETTE (1993): Micrometeorites. - Russian Geology and Geophysics 34, 132-147.
211 KURAT, G., C. KOEBERL and M. MAURETTE (1994) Fractionated trace element abundances in micrometeorites from Antarctica (abstract). - Lunar Planet. Sci. XXV, 761-762.
212 KURAT, G., P. HOPPE and M. MAURETTE (1994) Preliminary report on spinel-rich CAIs in an Antarctic micrometeorite (abstract). - Lunar Planet. Sci. XXV, 763-764.
213 NAZAROV, M., F. BRANDSTAETTER and G. KURAT (1994) P-rich sulfide, barringerite and other phases in carbonaceous clasts of the Erevan howardite (abstract). - Lunar Planet. Sci. XXV, 979-980.
214 NAZAROV, M., F. BRANDSTAETTER, G. KURAT, B. SPETTEL and H. PALME (1994) Chemistry of carbonaceous xenoliths from the Erevan howardite (abstract). - Lunar Planet. Sci. XXV, 981-982.
215 KURAT, G., C. KOEBERL, T. PRESPER, F. BRANDSTAETTER and M. MAURETTE (1994) Petrology and geochemistry of Antarctic micrometeorites. - Geochim. Cosmochim. Acta, 58, 3879-3904.
216 KURAT, G., P. HOPPE, J. WALTER, C. ENGRAND and M. MAURETTE (1994) Oxygen isotopes in spinels from Antarctic micrometeorites. - (abstract). - Meteoritics 29, 487-488.
217 WALTER, J. , G. KURAT, F. BRANDSTAETTER, T. PRESPER, C. KOEBERL and M. MAURETTE (1994) The chemical compositions of olivines and pyroxenes from Antarctic micrometeorites (abstract). - Meteoritics 29, 545-546.
218 KERSCHHOFER, L., C. KOEBERL, G. KURAT, J. WALTER and M. MAURETTE (1994) Trace element analysis by INAA of micrometeorites from Antarctica (abstract). - Meteoritics 29, 481-482.
219 MAURETTE, M., A. BRACK, C. ENGRAND, G. KURAT, S. LEACH and M. PERREAU (1994) "Accrection" and chemistry along the trajectory of "shooting stars" (abstract). - Meteoritics 29, 498-499.
220 MAURETTE, M., G, IMMEL, C. ENGRAND, G. KURAT and C. T. PILLINGER (1994) The 1994 EUROMET collection of micrometeorites at Cap-Prudhomme, Antarctica (abstract). - Meteoritics 29, 499.
221 ENGRAND, C., M. CHRISTOPHE MICHEL-LEVY, J. JOURET, G. KURAT, M. MAURETTE and M. PERREAU (1994) Are the most C-rich Antarctica micrometeorites exotic ? (abstract). - Meteoritics 29, 464.
222 KURAT, G., H. PALME, F. BRANDSTAETTER, G. SPERL, B. SPETTEL and M. BUKOVANSKA (1994) Geochemistry and metallography of the Chlumec iron: a meteorite ? (abstract). Meteoritics 29, 488-489.
223 BRANDSTAETTER, F., A. V. IVANOV, H. PALME, B. SPETTEL and G. KURAT (1994) Geochemistry and mineralogy of magnetic fractions from Kaidun IVB (EL3) (abstract). Meteoritics 29, 447-448.
224 KIM, Y., K. MARTI and G. KURAT (1994) Nitrogen and xenon isotopic disequilibrium in Bachmut (L6) chondrule J2689 and matrix (abstract). Meteoritics 29, 483.
225 IVANOV, A. V., M. E. ZOLENSKY, F. BRANDSTAETTER, G. KURAT and N. N. KONONKOVA (1994) A phyllosilicate-sulfide vein in Kaidun (abstract). Meteoritics 29, 477.
226 ULYANOV, A. V., A. V. IVANOV, F. BRANDSTAETTER, G. KURAT and V. V. BIRYUKOV (1994) Spinel-rich metasomatized CAI from Kaidun (abstract). Meteoritics 29, 542-543.
227 KURAT, G. C. KOEBERL, T. PRESPER, F. BRANDSTAETTER and M. MAURETTE (1994) Antarctic Micrometeorites. - Workshop on the Analysis of Interplanetary Dust Particles. Lunar and Planetary Institute, Houston, TX., Techn. Rep. 94-02, 34-36.
228 MAURETTE, G. IMMEL, C. HAMMER, R. HARVEY, G. KURAT and S. TAYLOR (1994) Collection and curation of IDPs from the Greenland and Antarctic ice sheets. In: Analysis of Interplanetary Dust (Eds. : M. E. Zolensky, T. L. Wilson, F. J. M. Rietmeijer and G. J. Flynn), Amer. Inst. Physics, N. Y., 277-289.
229 MAURETTE, M., C. HAMMER, R. HARVEY, G. IMMEL, G. KURAT and S. TAYLOR (1994) Collection and curation of IDPs in the stratosphere and below. Part 2: the Greenland and Antarctic ice sheets. - Workshop on the Analysis of Interplanetary Dust Particles. Lunar and Planetary Institute, Houston, TX., Techn. Rep. 94-02, 36-40.
230 KURAT, G., F. BRANDSTAETTER, C. KOEBERL and M. MAURETTE (1994) Micrometeorites (abstract). - 16th Gen. Meeting IMA, Pisa 1994, 226.
231 RYABCHIKOV, I. D., L. N. KOGARKO, T. NTAFLOS and G. KURAT (1994) Geothermobarometry of mantle peridotites from Cape Verde Islands (abstract). - 16th Gen. Meeting IMA, Pisa 1994, 359-360.
232 RYABCHIKOV, I. D., L. N. KOGARKO, T. NTAFLOS and G. KURAT (1994) Metallic phases in mantle xenoliths (in Russian). - Doklady Akad. Nauk 338, 95-98.
233 FAHEY, A. J., E. ZINNER, G. KURAT and A. KRACHER (1994) Hibonite-hercynite inclusion HH-1 from the Lance (CO3) meteorite: The history of an ultrarefractory CAI. - Geochim. Cosmochim. Acta 58, 4779-4793.
234 DEUTSCH, A., C. KOEBERL, J. D. BLUM, B. M. FRENCH, B. P. GLASS, R. GRIEVE, P. HORN, E. K. JESSBERGER, G. KURAT, W. U. REIMOLD, J. SMIT, D. STOEFFLER and S. R. TAYLOR (1994) The impact-flood connection: Does it exist ? - Terra Nova 6, 644-650.
235 ENGRAND, C., M. MAURETTE, M. ZOLENSKY, G. KURAT and J. WALTER (1995) Electron microprobe analyses of Antarctic micrometeorites and interplanetary dust particles collected in the stratosphere (abstract). - Lunar Planet. Sci. XXVI, 375-376.
236 WALTER, J., F. BRANDSTAETTER, G. KURAT, C. KOEBERL and M. MAURETTE (1995) Cosmic spherules, micrometeorites and chondrules (abstract). - Lunar Planet. Sci. XXVI, 1457-1458.
237 VANDERWOOD, T. B., J. P. BRADLEY, M. MAURETTE , J. R. PETIT, N. I. BARKOV, G. KURAT (1995) Automated SEM-search for micrometer-sized Antarctica micrometeorites from East Antarctica (DOME B) ice core samples (abstract). - Lunar Planet. Sci. XXVI, 1443-1444.
238 HOPPE, P., G. KURAT, J. WALTER and M. MAURETTE (1995) Trace elements and oxygen isotopes in a CAI-bearing micrometeorite from Antarctica (abstract). - Lunar Planet. Sci. XXVI, 623-624.
239 KURAT, G., C. KOEBERL, F. BRANDSTAETTER, J. WALTER and M. MAURETTE (1995) On the terrestrial dust component in the ice at Cap Prudhomme, Antarctica (abstract). - Lunar Planet. Sci. XXVI, 811-812.
240 MAURETTE, M., C. ENGRAND, A. BRACK, G. KURAT, S. LEACH and M. PERREAU (1995) Carbonaceous phases in Antarctic micrometeorites and their mineralogical environment. Their contribution to the possible role of micrometeorites as "chondritic chemical reactors" in atmospheres, waters and/or ices (abstract). - Lunar Planet. Sci. XXVI, 913-914.
241 MAURETTE, M., C. ENGRAND and G. KURAT (1995) "Chemical" search for cometary grains in Antarctic micrometeorites (abstract). - Lunar Planet. Sci. XXVI, 915-916.
242 NAZAROV, M. A., F. BRANDSTAETTER and G. KURAT (1995) A new type of carbonaceous chondrite matter from the Erevan howardite (abstract). - Lunar Planet. Sci. XXVI, 1031-1032.
243 NAZAROV, M. A., F. BRANDSTAETTER and G. KURAT (1995) Angrite-like clasts from the Erevan howardite (abstract). - Lunar Planet. Sci. XXVI, 1033-1034.
244 WALTER, J. G. KURAT, C. KOEBERL and M. MAURETTE (1995) Chondrules in interplanetary dust (abstract). - Ann. Geophys. 13, Suppl. III., C 738.
245 KURAT, G., J. WALTER, F. BRANDSTAETTER, C. KOEBERL and M. MAURETTE (1995) Mineralogy and chemistry of Antarctic micrometeorites (abstract). - Ann. Geophys. 13, Suppl. III., C 737.
246 BRADLEY, J. P., T. B. VANDERWOOD, M. MAURETTE , C. ENGRAND, J. R. PETIT and G. KURAT (1995) Search for 0. 5-5µm chondritic grains in Arctic ice cores (abstract). - Ann. Geophys. 13, Suppl. III., C 736.
247 ENGRAND, C., J. WALTER, M. ZOLENSKY, M. CHRISTOPHE MICHEL- LEVY, G. KURAT and M. MAURETTE (1995) Electron microprobe studies of stratospheric and Antarctic micrometeorites (abstract). - Ann. Geophys. 13, Suppl. III., C 736.
248 TRIELOFF, M., G. KURAT and E. K. JESSBERGER (1995) Trapping noble gases by rock-fluid interactions in the upper mantle and the crust. - Eu. J. Mineral. 7, 250.
249 MAURETTE, M., C. ENGRAND and G. KURAT (1995) Collection and microanalysis of Antarctic micrometeorites (abstract). - Physics, Chemistry and Dynamics of Interplanetary Dust, IAU Colloquium No. 150, Gainesville, Florida, 43.
250 KRESTINA, N., E. JAGOUTZ and G. KURAT (1995) Neodymium isotope composition in single chondrules from the Tieschitz (H3) chondrite (abstract). Meteoritics 30, 530.
251 WALTER, J., G. KURAT, F. BRANDSTAETTER, C. KOEBERL and M. MAURETTE (1995) The abundance of ordinary chondrite debris among Antarctic micrometeorites (abstract). Meteoritics 30, 592-593.
252 ZINNER, E., F. BRANDSTAETTER and G. KURAT (1995) A plagioclase-olivine-spinel-magnetite inclusion from Maralinga (CK): a record of sequential condensation (abstract). Meteoritics 30, 605-606.
253 RYABCHIKOV, D., T. NTAFLOS, G. KURAT; and L. N. KOGARKO (1995) Glass-bearing xenoliths from Cape Verde: evidence for a hot rising mantle jet. Mineral. Petrol. 55, 217-237.
254 BADJUKOV, D. D., F. BRANDSTAETTER, T. L. PETROVA and G. KURAT (1996) Iron oxides in irghizites (abstract). Lunar Planet. Sci. XXVII, 51-52.
255 BADJUKOV, D. D., M. A. NAZAROV, F. BRANDSTAETTER, G. KURAT, E. A. KOZLOV and Yu. N. ZHUGIN (1996) The Saratov chondrite compressed at ultra-high shock pressure (abstract). Lunar Planet. Sci. XXVII, 53-54.
256 ENGRAND, C., E. DELOULE, P. HOPPE, G. KURAT, M. MAURETTE and F. ROBERT (1996) Water contents of micrometeorites from Antarctica (abstract). Lunar Planet. Sci. XXVII, 337-338.
257 KRESTINA, N., E. JAGOUTZ and G. KURAT (1996) Sm-Nd system in single chondrules from Tieschitz (H3) (abstract). Lunar Planet. Sci. XXVII, 701-702.
258 NAZAROV, M. A., F. BRANDSTAETTER and G. KURAT (1996) Phosphides and P-rich sulfides in the Mighei (CM) chondrite (abstract). Lunar Planet. Sci. XXVII, 939-940.
259 VANDERWOOD, T. B., M. MAURETTE, J. P. BRADLEY, C. ENGRAND, G. KURAT, J. R. PETIT and N. I. BARKOV (1996) Automated SEM analysis of fine-grained dust from Antarctica ice cores (abstract). Lunar Planet. Sci. XXVII, 1355-1356.
260 MATSUDA, J. -I., K. NAGAO and G. KURAT (1996) Noble gases in metal and schreibersite of the Acuna (IIIAB) iron meteorite Meteoritics 31, 227-233.
261 TRIELOFF, M., E. K. JESSBERGER, H. W. WEBER and G. KURAT (1996) Resolving multiple fluid-rock interactions in the mantle: Trapped noble gases and their hosts in peridotitic rocks from Zabargad Island, Red Sea (abstract) J. Conf. Abstr. 1, 627.
262 KURAT, G. and H. PALME (1996) How chondrules formed (abstract). Ann. Geophys. 14, Suppl. III, C 835.
263 KRESTINA, N., E. JAGOUTZ and G. KURAT (1996) Sm-Nd system in single chondrules from Tieschitz and Bjurboele chondrites (abstract). Ann. Geophys. 14, Suppl. III, C 835.
264 BRANDSTAETTER, F., A. V. IVANOV and G. KURAT (1996) An ordinary chondrite fragment (R3) in the Kaidun carbonaceous chondrite (abstract). Meteoritics Planet. Sci. 31, Suppl., A 20.
265 ENGRAND, C., E. DELOULE, G. KURAT and M. MAURETTE (1996) Trace-element contents of Antarctic cosmic spherules and their COPS nuggets (abstract). Meteoritics Planet. Sci. 31, Suppl., A 42-A 43.
266 FIORETTI, A. M., G. MOLIN, F. BRANDSTAETTER and G. KURAT (1996) Schreibersite, metal and troilite in ureilites FRO 90054 and FRO 93008 (abstract). Meteoritics Planet. Sci. 31, Suppl., A 44.
267 KURAT, G., P. HOPPE and C. ENGRAND (1996) A chondrule micrometeorite from Antarctica with vapor-fractionated trace-element abundances (abstract). Meteoritics Planet. Sci. 31, Suppl., A 75-A 76.
268 BADJUKOV, D. D., M. A. NAZAROV, F. BRANDSTAETTER, G. KURAT, E. A. KOZLOV, Yu. N. ZHUGIN and V. S. RUSAKOV (1996) Experimental shock melting of the Saratov chondrite (abstract). Meteoritics Planet. Sci. 31, Suppl., A 11.
269 ENGRAND, C., E. DELOULE, M. MAURETTE , G. KURAT and F. ROBERT (1996) Water content of COPS-rich cosmic spherules from Antarctica (abstract). Meteoritics Planet. Sci. 31, Suppl., A 43.
270 KURAT, G. (1996) Fossilien vom Mars? Der Sternenbote 39/482, 174-179.
271 MAURETTE, M. , C. ENGRAND and G. KURAT (1996) Collection and Microanalysis of Antarctic Micrometeorites. In: A. S. Gustafson and M. S. Hanner (eds. ), Physics, Chemistry and Dynamics of Interplanetary Dust, ASP Conf. Ser., Vol. 104, 265-273.
272 KOEBERL, C., G. KURAT and F. BRANDSTAETTER (1996) Mineralogy and geochemistry of lunar meteorite Queen Alexandra Range 93069. Meteoritics Planet. Sci. 31, 897-908.
273 KURAT, G., M. A. NAZAROV, P. HOPPE, F. BRANDSTAETTER and C. KOEBERL (1997) ALH84001: A variety of fluid activities (abstract). - Europ. Geophys. Soc., Part III, Vol. 15, C 820.
274 MAURETTE, M. , S. TAYLOR, C. ENGRAND, J. LEVER, G. KURAT and T. NTAFLOS (1997) Cosmic dust from Cap-Prudhomme and south pole, Antarctica (abstract). - Europ. Geophys. Soc., Part III, Vol. 15, C 821.
275 ENGRAND, C., G. KURAT, A. -H. AWOKE, C. KOEBERL, C. HAMMER and M. MAURETTE (1997) Geochemistry of large cosmic spherules and micrometeorites from northern Greenland (abstract). Lunar Planet. Sci. XXVIII, 337-338.
276 KRESTINA, N., E. JAGOUTZ and G. KURAT (1997) Sm-Nd system in single chondrules from Bjurbole L4 chondrite (abstract). Lunar Planet. Sci. XXVIII, 761-762.
277 KURAT, G., P. HOPPE, F. BRANDSTAETTER and C. KOEBERL (1997) Fluid precipitation of chromite and feldspar-rich glass in Martian orthopyroxenite ALH84001 (abstract). Lunar Planet. Sci. XXVIII, 775-776.
278 KURAT, G., M. A. NAZAROV, F. BRANDSTAETTER, T. NTAFLOS and C. KOEBERL (1997) Precipitation and reaction products of fluids in Martian orthopyroxenite ALH84001 (abstract). Lunar Planet. Sci. XXVIII, 777-778.
279 MIGDISOVA, L. F., A. V. IVANOV, F. BRANDSTAETTER, G. KURAT and N. N. KONONKOVA (1997) The Kaidun meteorite: Mineralogy of a Ca-rich rock fragment (abstract). Lunar Planet. Sci. XXVIII, 951-952.
280 NAZAROV, M. A., F. BRANDSTAETTER and G. KURAT (1997) Comparative chemistry of P-rich opaque phases in CM chondrites (abstract). Lunar Planet. Sci. XXVIII, 1003-1004.
281 EMBEY-ISZTIN, A. and G. KURAT (1996) Young alkali basalt volcanism from the Graz Basin to the Eastern Carpathians (abstract). - Advances in Austrian-Hungarian Joint Geological Research, Occasional Pap. Geol. Inst. Hungary, vol. 189, 159- 175.
282 IVANOV, A. V., G. KURAT, F. BRANDSTAETTER, L. F. MIGDISOVA and N. N. KONONKOVA (1997) The Kaidun meteorite: evidence for pre- and postaccretionary aqueous alteration (abstract). - Worksh. Modific. Chondr. Materials, Maui, Hawaii, LPI, Techn. Rep. no. 97-02, part 1, 29-30.
283 KURAT, G. (1997) The meteorite parent-body alteration model and the incompatible reality (abstract). - Worksh. Modific. Chondr. Materials, Maui, Hawaii, LPI, Techn. Rep. no. 97-02, part 1, 36.
284 BUKOVANSKA, M., F. BRANDSTAETTER, J. JANICKE and G. KURAT (1997) Metasomatic alteration of diogenite xenoliths and magnesium-rich orthopyroxenes in the Elephant Moraine 83251 howardite (abstract). - Meteoritics Planet. Sci. 32, Suppl., A23-A24.
285 EL GORESY, A., B. WOPENKA, M. CHEN and G. KURAT (1997) The saga of maskelynite in Shergotty (abstract). - Meteoritics Planet. Sci. 32, Suppl., A38-A39.
286 KRESTINA, N., E. JAGOUTZ and G. KURAT (1997) Samarium-neodymium isotope studies of chondrules by stepwise abrasion (abstract). Meteoritics Planet. Sci. 32, Suppl., A73-A74.
287 KURAT, G., M. E. VARELA, P. HOPPE and R. CLOCCHIATTI (1997) Glass inclusions in Renazzo olivine: Condensates from the solar nebula? (abstract). - Meteoritics Planet. Sci. 32, Suppl., A76.
288 KURAT, G., E. ZINNER, F. BRANDSTAETTER and A. IVANOV (1997) The Kaidun meteorite: An enstatite clast with niningerite and heideite as trace-element carriers (abstract). - Meteoritics Planet. Sci. 32, Suppl., A76-A77.
289 VARELA, M. E., R. CLOCCHIATTI, G. KURAT and D. MASSARE (1997) Glass and multiphase inclusions in Chassigny olivines (abstract). - Meteoritics Planet. Sci. 32, Suppl., A130-A131.
290 VARELA, M. E., G. KURAT and R. CLOCCHIATTI (1997) Glass inclusions in aubrite enstatites support a condensate origin (abstract). - Meteoritics Planet. Sci. 32, Suppl., A131
291 KURAT, G., P. HOPPE, F. BRANDSTAETTER and C. KOEBERL (1997) Trace element distribution in ureilite FRO90054 and the origin of ureilites (abstract). - Europ. J. Mineral. 9, Beiheft, 210.
292 VARELA, M. E., G. KURAT and R. CLOCCHIATTI (1997) Are glass inclusions in terrestrial peridotites and in achondritic meteorites the product of high-silica fluids? (abstract). - Europ. J. Mineral. 9, Beiheft, 367.
293 VARELA, M. E., E. A. BJERG, R. CLOCCHIATTI, C. H. LABUDIA and G. KURAT (1997) Fluid inclusions in upper mantle xenoliths from Northern Patagonia, Argentina: evidence for an upper mantle diapir. - Mineral. Petrol. 60, 145-164.
294 KOGARKO, L. N., G. KURAT and T. NTAFLOS (1997) Intense carbonate metasomatism of oceanic mantle beneath the Fernando de Noronha island (abstract). - J. Czech Geolog. Soc. 42, 3:12.
295 KURAT, G. and M. MAURETTE (1997) Matiere Extraterrestre Sur Terre - De lorigine du systeme solaire a lorigine de la vie. Editions Michael Ittah, Toulouse, France, 48 pp.
296 STRUMBERGER, V., G. KURAT and A. KRACHER (1997) The genesis of uranothorianite in pyroxenites of SE Madagascar (abstract). - 30th Int. Geolog. Congress, China, Vol. 2, p 453.
297 KURAT G. (1997) Materie aus dem All (abstract). Barbara-Gespraeche, Payerbach Bd. 4, 37-48.
298 TRIELOFF, M., C. BERINGER, G. KURAT, J. OEHM, J. JANNICKE and E. K. JESSBERGER (1997) Mantle Noble Gases in Zabargad (Red Sea) Peridotites (abstract). - Jahresbericht 1996, Max-Planck-Institut fuer Kernphysik, Heidelberg, 229-231.
299 TRIELOFF, M., H. W. WEBER, G. KURAT, E. K. JESSBERGER and J. JANICKE (1997) Noble gases, their carrier phases and argon chronology of upper mantle rocks from Zabargad Island, Red Sea. - Geochim. Cosmochim. Acta, 61, 5065-5088.
300 IVANOV, A. V., G. KURAT, L. F. MIGDISOVA, F. BRANDSTAETTER and N. N. KONONKOVA (1998) The Kaidun meteorite: pre- and postaccretionary aqueous alterations of metal in an enstatite chondrite fragment. - Geochem. Internat. 36, 101-106 (Geokhimika 1998/2, 131-136 - in Russian).
301 NAZAROV, M. A., P. HOPPE, F. BRANDSTAETTER and G. KURAT (1998) Presolar trace element signature in P-rich sulfide from a CM chondrite clast in the Erevan howardite? (abstract) - Lunar Planet. Sci. Conf. XXIX, 1596.pdf
302 VARELA, M. E., M. MOSBAH, N. METRICH, G. KURAT and J. P. DURAUD (1998) Carbon and nitrogen analysis of glass inclusions in Renazzo (CR) olivine by 12C(d, p)13C and 14N(d, p)15N nuclear reactions. (abstract) - Lunar Planet. Sci. Conf. XXIX, 1585.pdf
303 MARUOKA, T., J. MATSUDA and G. KURAT (1998) Noble gas isotopic compositions in graphite of the Bohumilitz IAB iron. (abstract) - Lunar Planet. Sci. Conf. XXIX, 1558.pdf
304a NAZAROV, M. A., F. BRANDSTAETTER, G. KURAT and T. NTAFLOS (1998) Chemistry of P-rich sulfides in Murchison, Cold Bokkeveld and Nogoya CM chondrites. (abstract) - Lunar Planet. Sci. Conf. XXIX, 1628.pdf
304b Krestina, N., O. Bogdanovski, E. Jagoutz and G. Kurat (1998) A stepwise technique of chondrule abrasion and its application to study of isotopic systems in single chondrules. (abstract) - Lunar Planet. Sci. Conf. XXIX, 1408.pdf
305 KURAT, G. (1998) Cosmogenic matter in terrestrial environments - In: Advanced Mineralogy, A. S. Marfunin (ed. ), Vol. 3, Springer, Berlin, p 28-34.
306 MARUOKA, T., J. MATSUDA and G. KURAT (1998) Multiple primordial components of Xe in the Magura IAB iron (abstract). 23th Symposium of Antarctic Meteorites, NIPR, Tokyo, 69-71.
307 VARELA, M. E., M. MOSBAH, N. METRICH, J. -P. DURAUD and G. KURAT (1998) PIXE and light element analysis (C, N) in glass inclusions trapped in meteorites with the nuclear microprobe (abstract). - 6th International Conference on Nuclear Microprobe Technology and Applications, Spier Estate, South Africa, 11-16 October 1998.
308 BRACK, A., B. HOFMANN, G. HORNECK, G. KURAT, J. MAXWELL, G. ORI, C. PILLINGER, F. RAULIN, N. THOMAS and F. WESTALL (1998) ESA Exobiology Science Study Team on the Search for Life on Mars. Final Report, ESTEC, Noordwijk, June 1998, 104 pp + Annex 4pp.
309 BRANDSTAETTER, F., A. IVANOV and G. KURAT (1998) The Kaidun meteorite: postaccretionary andradite-magnetite-serpentine precipitation (abstract). - Meteoritics Planet. Sci. 33, Suppl., A22-A-23.
310 GOUNELLE, M., M. MAURETTE, C. ENGRAND and G. KURAT (1998) Cometary origin for Antarctic micrometeorites: new experimental evidence. (abstract). - Meteoritics Planet. Sci. 33, Suppl., A61.
311 IVANOV, A. V., F. BRANDSTAETTER, G. KURAT, L. F. MIGDISOVA and N. KONONKOVA (1998) The Kaidun meteorite: an unmelted enstatite aggregate (abstract). - Meteoritics Planet. Sci. 33, Suppl., A75-A76.
312 VARELA, M. E., R. CLOCCHIATTI, G. KURAT and D. MASSARE (1998) Glass-bearing inclusions in Chassigny olivine: heating experiments suggest non-igneous origin (abstract). - Meteoritics Planet. Sci. 33, Suppl., A158.
313 NAZAROV, M. A., G. KURAT and F. BRANDSTAETTER (1998) Silica-bearing objects in Bali (CV3): a novel type of inclusion in carbonaceous chondrites (abstract). - Meteoritics Planet. Sci. 33, Suppl., A115.
314 MARUOKA, T., J. MATSUDA and G. KURAT (1998) Xenon-HL in the Magura IAB iron meteorite (abstract). - Meteoritics Planet. Sci. 33, Suppl., A97-98.
315 KRACHER, A., S. D. GRAMSTAD and G. KURAT (1998) Soroti and the origin of sulfide-rich meteorites (abstract). - Meteoritics Planet. Sci. 33, Suppl., A88-89.
316 KONG, P., H. PALME, M. EBIHARA and G. KURAT (1998) Distribution of moderately volatile elements in Renazzo and other CR chondrites (abstract). - Meteoritics Planet. Sci. 33, Suppl., A85-86.
317 NTAFLOS, Th., E. A. BJERG, G. KURAT and C. H. LABUDIA (1998) Metasomatische Prozesse im subkontinentalen Erdmantel unterhalb Sued-Patagoniens, Argentinien (abstract). - Mitt. OEsterr. Mineral. Ges. 143, 357-358.
318 KURAT, G. (1998) Vienna Collection. - Meteorite! August 1998, 6-7.
319 NAZAROV, M. A., F. BRANDSTAETTER and G. KURAT (1998) Phosphorian sulfides and phosphides from CM chondrites (in Russian) Geochimija 1998/5, 475-484.
320 VARELA, M. E., G. KURAT, R. CLOCCHIATTI and P. SCHIANO (1998) The ubiquitous presence of silica-rich glass inclusions in mafic minerals: Examples from Earth, Mars, Moon and the aubrite parent body. - Meteoritics Planet. Sci. 33, 1041-1051.
321 KOGARKO, L. N., C. M. HENDERSON, G. KURAT, T. NTAFLOS, A. B. SLUTSKY and H. A. PACHECO (1998) Carbonate metasomatism of oceanic lithosphere and carbonate-silicate-sulphide liquid immiscibility (abstract). - Goldschmidt Conference Toulouse 1998, Mineral. Mag. 62A, 797-798.
322 VARELA, M. E., R. CLOCCHIATTI, J. -P. DURAUD, G. KURAT, D. MASSARE, N. METRICH, M. MOSBAH and B. THELLIER (1998) Contributions de letude des inclusions vitreuses dans la comprehension des processus de formation des meteorites (chondrites et achondrites) (abstract). - RST 1998, Brest, France, 205.
323 VARELA, M. E., R. CLOCCHIATTI, G. KURAT and P. SCHIANO (1999) Silicic glasses in hydrous and anhydrous mantle xenoliths from Western Victoria, Australia: at least two different sources. - Chem. Geol. 153, 151-169.
324 VARELA, M. E., M. BONNIN-MOSBAH; N. METRICH; J. P. DURAUD and G. KURAT (1999) Carbon and nitrogen micro-analysis of glass inclusions in Allende (CV) olivine by nuclear reactions (abstract). - Lunar Planet. Sci. XXX, 1341.pdf
325 KRESTINA, N., E. JAGOUTZ and G. KURAT (1999) The interrelation between core and rim of individual chondrules from the different meteorites in term of Sm-Nd isotopic system (abstract). - Lunar Planet. Sci. XXX, 1918.pdf
326 NAZAROV, M. A., F. BRANDSTAETTER and G. KURAT (1999) Phosphorian sulfides from Banten and Boriskino CM chondrites (abstract). - Lunar Planet. Sci. XXX, 1260.pdf
327 GOUNELLE, M., M. MAURETTE, G. KURAT and C. HAMMER (1999) Comparison of the 1998 "Cap-Prudhomme" and "Astrolabe" Antarctic micrometeorite collections with the 1996 "South Pole" collection: Preliminary implications (abstract). - Lunar Planet. Sci. XXX, 1564.pdf
328 KURAT, G. (1999) Kapfenstein: Ein Fenster in den Erdmantel (abstract). - 30 Jahre VStM Festschrift, Sonderheft: Der Steirische Mineralog, Juni 1999, p 5.
329 ASAME, K. S. KAWANO, J. -I. MATSUDA; T. MARUOKA and G. KURAT (1999) Nitrogen isotopic signatures of metal and graphite in Canyon Diablo (abstract). - 24th Sympos. Antarctic Meteorites, NIPR, Tokyo, 1-3.
330 MATSUDA, J. -I., M. NAMBA, T. MARUOKA and G. KURAT (1999) On the primordial composition of the noble gases in Canyon Diablo (abstract). - 24th Sympos. Antarctic Meteorites, NIPR, Tokyo, 99-101.
331 BUKOVANSKA, M., G. DOBOSI, F. BRANDSTAETTER and G. KURAT (1999) Dar al Gani 400: Petrology and geochemistry of some major lithologies (abstract). - Meteoritics Planet. Sci. 34, Suppl., A21.
332 GOUNELLE, M., M. MAURETTE, C. ENGRAND, F. BRANDSTAETTER and G. KURAT (1999) Mineralogy of the 1998 Astrolabe Antarctic micrometeorites collection (abstract). - Meteoritics Planet. Sci. 34, Suppl., A46.
333 KOEBERL, C., W. PRZYBYLOWICZS, S. MASTER, G. KURAT, J. WALTER and W. U. REIMOLD (1999) A new iron meteorite from Zimbabwe, Southern Africa (abstract). - Meteoritics Planet. Sci. 34, Suppl., A66-A67.
334 KURAT, G., M. CHAUSSIDON, M. A. NAZAROV and F. BRANDSTAETTER (1999) Silica-bearing objects in Bali (CV3): Trace element data (abstract). - Meteoritics Planet. Sci. 34, Suppl., A70.
335 VARELA, M. E., G. KURAT and R. CLOCCHIATTI (1999) Glass-bearing inclusions in Nakhla augite: Heating experiments suggest a new parental magma composition (abstract). - Meteoritics Planet. Sci. 34, Suppl., A115-116.
336 BJERG, E. A. , G. KURAT, Th. NTAFLOS and C. H. LABUDIA (1999) A complex history of the Patagonian subcontinental upper mantle (abstract). - Europ. J. Mineral. 11, Beiheft, 34.
337 DOBOSI, G., E. A. BJERG, G. KURAT and Th. NTAFLOS (1999) The upper mantle beneath Patagonia: a LAM-ICP-MS study (abstract). - Europ. J. Mineral. 11, Beiheft, 59.
338 KURAT, G., DOBOSI and F. BRANDSTAETTER (1999) Diamondite: fluid-born upper mantle rock (abstract). - Europ. J. Mineral. 11, Beiheft, 140.
339 KURAT, G., E. WAESCH and F. BRANDSTAETTER (1999) Chromium-rich metal-sulfide-oxide associations in the Gibeon (IV A) iron meteorite (abstract). - Europ. J. Mineral. 11, Beiheft, 140.
340 LORENTS, K., G. KURAT and F. BRANDSTAETTER (1999) Mineral chemistry of the Budulan mesosiderite (abstract). - Europ. J. Mineral. 11, Beiheft, 148.
341 NTAFLOS, Th., E. A. BJERG, G. KURAT, G. HINTON, H. C. LABUDIA and B. G. J. UPTON (1999) Silicate and carbonatite melts in upper mantle xenoliths from southern Patagonia: evidence for multiple metasomatic events (abstract). - Europ. J. Mineral. 11, Beiheft, 168.
342 NTAFLOS, Th., M. GUENTHER, H. C. LABUDIA, E. A. BJERG and G. KURAT (1999) Relationship between subduction and volcanism along a profile in the Rio Negro province, Argentina (abstract). - Europ. J. Mineral. 11, Beiheft, 168.
343 ENGRAND C., E. DELOULE, F. ROBERT, M. MAURETTE and G. KURAT (1999) Extraterrestrial water in micrometeorites and cosmic spherules from Antarctica: An ion microprobe study. - Meteoritics Planet. Sci. 34, 773-786.
344a KURAT G. (1999) Kometen, der Ursprung des Lebens und das Ende dieser Welt. -Das Naturhistorische 0/99, 10-11.
344b Niedermayr G. und G. Kurat (1999) Die Mineraliensammlung im Naturhistorischen Museum in Wien. EUROMIN: http://euromin.w3sites.net/Nouveau_site/musees/vienne/MUSVIEd.htm
345 DOBOSI G., G. KURAT, G. A. JENNER and F. BRANDSTAETTER (1999) Cryptic metasomatism in the upper mantle beneath Southeastern Austria: a laser ablation microprobe-ICP-MS study. - Mineral. Petrol. 67, 143-161.
346 SCHMIDT G., H. PALME, K. -L. KRATZ and G. KURAT (2000) Are highly siderophile elements (PGE, Re and Au) fractionated in the upper mantle of the earth? New results on peridotites from Zabargad. - Chem. Geol. 163, 167-188.
347 BADJUKOV D. D., G. KURAT and F. BRANDSTAETTER (2000) Origin of black veins in ordinary chondrites (abstract). - Lunar Planet. Sci. XXXI, 1569.pdf.
348 VARELA M. E., N. METRICH, M. BONNIN-MOSBAH and G. KURAT (2000) Carbon and nitrogen contents of glass inclusions in olivine from the Vigarano, Kaba, Bali and Allende CV3 chondrites (abstract). - Lunar Planet. Sci. XXXI, 1620.pdf.
349 NAZAROV M. A., M. CHAUSSIDON and G. KURAT (2000) Trace element patterns of phosphorian sulfides from the Cold Bokkeveld (CM) chondrite (abstract). - Lunar Planet. Sci. XXXI, 1662.pdf.
349a Lorenz, C., M. Nazarov, G. Kurat, and F. Brandstaetter (2000) High-magnesium lithologies and dry fluid metasomatism in the Budulan mesosiderite. Lunar Planet. Sci. XXXI, 1315.pdf
350 KURAT G., P. SYLVESTER, P. KONG and F. BRANDSTAETTER (2000) Heterogeneous and fractionated metal in Canyon Diablo (IA) graphite - metal rock. (abstract). - Lunar Planet. Sc. XXXI, 1666.pdf.
351 MILLER M. F., A. BRACK, P. BAGLIONI, R. DEMETS, I. A. FRANCHI, G. KURAT and C. T. PILLINGER (2000) Oxygen isotope measurements on artificial meteorites (abstract). - Lunar Planet. Sci. XXXI, 1717.pdf.
352 VARELA M. E., G. KURAT, M. BONNIN-MOSBAH, R. CLOCCHIATTI and D. MASSARE (2000) Glass-bearing inclusions in olivine of the Chassigny achondrite: Heterogeneous trapping at sub-igneous temperatures. - Meteoritics Planet. Sci. 35, 39-52.
353 WESTALL, F., A. BRACK, B. HOFMANN, G. HORNECK, G. KURAT, J. MAXWELL, G. G. ORI, C. PILLINGER, F. RAULIN, N. THOMAS, B. FITTON, P. CLANCY, D. PRIEUR and D. VASSAUX (2000) An ESA study for the search for life on Mars. - Planet. Space Sci. 48, 181-202.
354 BUKOVANSKA, M., G. KURAT, F. BRANDSTAETTER, G. DOBOSI and I. NEMEC (1999) Meteorite from the Moon - Dar al Gani 400 (in Czech). Bull. mineral. -petrol. Odd. Nar. Muz. (Praha), 7, 46-53.
355 BRACK, A., P. BAGLIONI, G. KURAT and R. DEMETS (2000) Astrobiology on recoverable carriers: ESAs artificial meteorite experiment "STONE" (abstract)- First Astrobiology Sci. Conf., NASA Ames Res. Center, Moffett Field, CA, p245.
356 BRACK, A. and G. KURAT (2000) Foton-12 Results, Artificial Meteorites: Stone - ESA Newsletter "on station" 2, p 17.
357 Exobiology in the Solar System & The Search for Life on Mars - Report from the ESA Exobiology Team Study 1997-1998, Scientific Coordinators: A. BRACK, A. B. FITTON and F. RAULIN (1999), SP-1231, October 1999, ESA, 188pp.
358 KURAT, G. and G. DOBOSI (2000) Garnet and diopside-bearing diamondites (framesites). - Mineral. Petrol. 69, 143-159.
359 MAURETTE, M., J. DUPRAT, C. ENGRAND, M. GOUNELLE, G. KURAT, G. MATRAJT and A. TOPPANI (2000) Accretion of neon, organics, CO2, nitrogen and water from large interplanetary dust particles on the early Earth. - Planet. Space Sci. 48, 1117-1137.
360 KURAT, G., M. E. VARELA, P. HOPPE M. K. WEISBERG und M. PRINZ (2000) Trace-element distribution within a primitive aggregate from an Allende dark inclusion (abstract)- Meteoritics Planet. Sci. 35, Suppl., A94.
361 NAZAROV, M. A., G. KURAT, F. BRANDSTAETTER and Th. NTAFLOS (2000) A calcium enrichment in phosphorian sulfides and barringerites from the Cochabamba (CM) chondrite (abstract)- Meteoritics Planet. Sci. 35, Suppl., A117.
362 VARELA, M. E. and G. KURAT (2000) Glass inclusions in olivines of the Renazzo (CR) chondrite (abstract)- Meteoritics Planet. Sci. 35, Suppl., A162-A163.
363 KURAT, G. (2000) Diamantite: noble Gesteine aus dem Erdmantel - Mineralientage Muenchen, Messeheft 2000, p 117-125.
364 VARELA, M. E., METRICH, N., BONNIN-MOSBAH, M. and G. KURAT (2000) Carbon in glass inclusions of Allende, Vigarano, Bali and Kaba (CV3) olivines - Geochim. Cosmochim. Acta 64, 3923-3930.
365 BJERG, E. A., Th. NTAFLOS, G. KURAT, M. C. FRISICALE, G. R. FERRACUTTI and C. H. LABUDIA, (2000) Caracterizacion petrografica de xenolitos ultramaficos del norte de Patagonia - In: Mineralogia y Metalogenia 2000 (eds.: I. Schalamuk, M. Brodtkorb and R. Etcheverry) INREMI, La Plata, Publicacion 6, 60-66.
366 BJERG, E. A., Th. NTAFLOS, G. KURAT, G. R. FERRACUTTI, M. C. FRISICALE and C. H. LABUDIA (2000) Geoquimica de xenolitos ultramaficos de la Provincia de Rio Negro - In: Mineralogia y Metalogenia 2000 (eds.: I. Schalamuk, M. Brodtkorb and R. Etcheverry) INREMI, La Plata, Publicacion 6, 53-59.
367 DUPRAT, J., C. HAMMER, M. MAURETTE, C. ENGRAND, G. MATRAJT, G. IMMEL, M. GOUNELLE and G. KURAT (2001) Search for past and future "frozen" Leonid Showers in Antarctica and Greenland (abstract). - Lunar Planet. Sci. XXXII, 1641.pdf.
368 VARELA, M. E., G. KURAT, F. BRANDSTAETTER, M. BONNIN-MOSBAH and N. METRICH (2001) Glasses in the DOrbigny angrite (abstract). - Lunar Planet. Sci. XXXII, 1803.pdf.
369 KURAT, G., M. E. VARELA, F. BRANDSTAETTER, E. WAESCH and M. A. NAZAROV (2001) DOrbigny: a new window into angrite genesis (abstract). - Lunar Planet. Sci. XXXII, 1737.pdf.
370 LORENZ, C., M. NAZAROV, G. KURAT, F. BRANDSTAETTER and Th. NTAFLOS (2001) Clast population and chemical bulk composition of the Dhofar 018 howardite (abstract). - Lunar Planet. Sci. XXXII, 1778.pdf.
371 NAZAROV, M. A., G. KURAT and F. BRANDSTAETTER (2001) Phosphorian sulfides from the ALH 84029, ALH 85013, EET 96029 and Y 82042 CM carbonaceous chondrites (abstract). - Lunar Plane. Sci. XXXII, 1769.pdf.
372 KURAT, G., F. BRANDSTAETTER, R. CLAYTON, M. A. NAZAROV, H. PALME, L. SCHULTZ, M. E. VARELA, E. WAESCH, H. W. WEBER and G. WECKWERTH (2001) DOrbigny: a new and unusual angrite (abstract). - Lunar Planet. Sci. XXXII, 1753.pdf.
373 DUPRAT, J., C. ENGRAND, M. GOUNELLE, M. MAURETTE, G. MATRAJT, G. KURAT and F. BRANDSTAETTER (2001) Search for possible extraterrestrial matter among shiny small iron oxide spherules (abstract). - Lunar Planet. Sci. XXXII, 1773.pdf.
374 KOGARKO, L. N., G. KURAT and T. NTAFLOS (2001) Carbonate metasomatism of the oceanic mantle beneath Fernando de Noronha Island, Brazil .-Contrib. Mineral. Petrol. 140, 577-587.
375 MAURETTE, M., G. MATRAJT, M. GOUNELLE, C. ENGRAND, J. DUPRAT and G. KURAT (2001) EMMA and the early earths hydrosphere (abstract). - Lunar Planet. Sci. XXXII, 1586.pdf.
376 GOUNELLE, M., M. MAURETTE, C. ENGRAND, G. KURAT and F. SHU (2001) Refractory phases of micrometeorites and the primitivity of cometary nuclei (abstract). - Lunar Planet. Sci. XXXII, 1626.pdf.
377 MIGDISOVA, L. F., A.V. IVANOV, N. N. KONONKOVA, F. BRANDSTAETTER and G. KURAT (2000) The Kaidun meteorite: A fragment of a high-Calcium primitive achondrite. Geochem. Internat. 38, Suppl. 3, S369-S374.
378 VARELA, M. E., G. KURAT and R. CLOCCHIATTI (2001) Glass-bearing inclusions in Nakhla (SNC meteorite) augite: heterogeneously trapped phases. Mineral. Petrol. 71, 155-172.
379 MARUOKA, T., J.-I. MATSUDA and G. KURAT (2001) Abundance and isotopic composition of noble gases in metal and graphite of the Bohumilitz IAB iron meteorite. - Meteoritics Planet. Sci. 36, 597-609.
380 JESSBERGER, E. K., T. STEPHAN, D. ROST, P. ARNDT, M. MAETZ, F. J. STADERMANN, D. E. BROWNLEE, J. P. BRADLEY and G. KURAT (2001) Properties of interplanetary dust: Information from collected samples. - In: E. Gruen, B. A. S. Gustavson, S. Dermott and H. Fechtig (eds.), Interplanetary Dust, Springer, Berlin, pp 253-294.
381 BRANDSTAETTER, F., D. D. BADYUKOV and G. KURAT (2001) Great Sand Sea 020: an unusual H chondrite melt rock (abstract). - Meteoritics Planet. Sci. 36, Suppl., A 28.
382 DUPRAT, J., M. MAURETTE, C. ENGRAND, G. MATRAJT, G. IMMEL, C. HAMMER, M. GOUNELLE and G. KURAT (2001) An estimation of the contemporary micrometeorite flux obtained from surface snow samples collected in central Antarctica (abstract). - Meteoritics Planet. Sci. 36, Suppl., A 52.
383 KLERNER, S., H. YURIMOTO, H. PALME, J. ZIPFEL and G. KURAT (2001) Evidence for transport of Fe through FeO-free minerals in chondrules of carbonaceous chondrites (abstract). - Meteoritics Planet. Sci. 36, Suppl., A 100-101.
384 KURAT, G., T. NTAFLOS, F. BRANDSTAETTER, M. E. VARELA, P. J. SYLVESTER and M. A. NAZAROV (2001) Trace element contents of major phases of the DOrbigny angrite (abstract). - Meteoritics Planet. Sci. 36, Suppl., A 108.
385 LORENZ, C. A., M. A. NAZAROV, G. KURAT and N. N. KONONKOVA (2001) Silicate inclusions in a metal nodule of the Budulan mesosiderite: mineralogy and origin (abstract). - Meteoritics Planet. Sci. 36, Suppl., A 116.
386 VARELA, M. E., M. BONNIN-MOSBAH and G. KURAT (2001) Nitrogen micro-analysis of glass inclusions in chondritic olivines by nuclear reaction (abstract). - Meteoritics Planet. Sci. 36, Suppl., A 210-211.
387 VARELA, M. E., G. KURAT, T. NTAFLOS, F. BRANDSTAETTER and P. J. SYLVESTER (2001) Trace elements in glass of the DOrbigny angrite (abstract). - Meteoritics Planet. Sci. 36, Suppl., A 211.
388 KURAT, G., G. DOBOSI and T. MARUOKA (2001) Diamondites and carbonatitic fluids: signals from trace elements in garnets and clinopyroxenes and from C isotope abundances (abstract). - Mitt. OEsterr. Mineralog. Ges. 146, 166-168.
389 KURAT, G., M. E. VARELA, S. J. AMETRANO and F. BRANDSTAETTER (2002) Major, minor and trace element abundances in metal and schreibersite of the San Juan mass of Campo del Cielo (IAB) (abstract). - Lunar Planet. Sci. XXXIII, 1781.pdf.
390 LORENZ, C. A., G. KURAT and F. BRANDSTAETTER (2002) NWA 776: a howardite with an anomalously high abundance of carbonaceous chondrite xenoliths (abstract). - Lunar Planet. Sci. XXXIII, 1570.pdf.
391 BOCTOR, N. Z., G. KURAT, C. M. O. D. ALEXANDER and C. T. PREWITT (2002) Sulfide mineral assemblages in Boriskino CM chondrite (abstract). - Lunar Planet. Sci. XXXIII, 1534.pdf.
392 VARELA, M. E., G. KURAT, P. HOPPE and M. K. WEISBERG (2002) Chemistry of glass inclusions in olivines of a dark inclusion and the host Allende CV3 chondrite (abstract). - Lunar Planet. Sci. XXXIII, 1190.pdf.
393 IVANOVA, M. A., L. A. TAYLOR, R. N. CLAYTON, T. K. MAYEDA, M. A. NAZAROV, F. BRANDSTAETTER and G. KURAT (2002) Dhofar 225 vs. the CM clan: a metamorphosed or new type of carbonaceous chondrites? (abstract). - Lunar Planet. Sci. XXXIII, 1437.pdf.
394 JAGOUTZ, E., R. JOTTER, M. E. VARELA, R. ZARTMAN, G. KURAT and G. W. LUGMAIR (2002) Pb-U-Th isotopic evolution of the DOrbigny angrite (abstract). - Lunar Planet. Sci. XXXIII, 1043.pdf.
395 BJERG, E. A., TH. NTAFLOS, G. KURAT, C. H. LABUDIA and G. R. FERRACUTTI (2002) Mantle xenoliths from Patagonia: Petrography; Geochemistry and Geothermobarometry. - Actas del XV congreso geologico Argentino, El Calafate, Argentina, 333.pdf.
396 KONONOVA, V. A., G. KURAT, A. EMBEY-ISZTIN, V. A. PERVOV, C. KOEBERL and F. BRANDSTAETTER (2002) Geochemistry of metasomatized spinel peridotite xenoliths from the Dariganga Plateau, South-eastern Mongolia. - Mineral. Petrol. 75, 1-21.
397 VARELA, M. E., G. KURAT, P. HOPPE and F. BRANDSTAETTER (2002) Chemistry of glass inclusions in olivines of the CR chondrites Renazzo, Acfer 182, and El Djouf 001. - Geochim. Cosmochim. Acta 66, 1663-1679.
398 OLSEN, E. J., K. KEIL and G. KURAT (2002) Memorial Kurt Fredriksson (1926-2001). - Meteoritics Planet. Sci. 37, 301-302.
399 JAGOUTZ, E., R. JOTTER, A. KUBNY, M. E. VARELA, R. I. ZARTMANN and G. KURAT (2002) New U-Th-Pb dating of meteorites. - Antarctic Meteorites XXVII, June 11-13, NIPR, Tokyo. p48.
400 VARELA, M. E., G. KURAT and F. BRANDSTAETTER (2002) Un meteorito del tipo de las angritas fue hallado en la provincia de Buenos Aires. - Ciencia Hoy 12, No. 68, p. 28-36.
401 EUGSTER, O., H. BUSEMANN, G. KURAT, S. LORENZETTI and M. E. VARELA (2002) Characterization of the noble gases and CRE age of the DOrbigny angrite. - Meteoritics Planet. Sci. 37, Suppl., A44. (abstract)
402 JOTTER, R., E. JAGOUTZ, M. E. VARELA, R. ZARTMANN and G. KURAT (2002) Pb isotopes in glass and carbonate of the DOrbigny angrite. - Meteoritics Planet. Sci. 37, Suppl., A73. (abstract)
403 KUBNY, A., A. BANERJEE, E. JAGOUTZ, M. E. VARELA, F. BRANDSTAETTER and G. KURAT (2002) Some properties of glass in the DOrbigny angrite. - Meteoritics Planet. Sci. 37, Suppl., A83. (abstract)
404 VARELA, M. E., G. KURAT and E. ZINNER (2002) A glass inclusion in olivine and mesostasis glass of a Kaba (CV3) aggregate are sisters. - Meteoritics Planet. Sci. 37, Suppl., A142. (abstract)
405 VARELA, M. E., JL. JORON, L. DOSSO and G. KURAT (2002) Xenolith-bearing alkali basalts from Patagonia: Different sources and metasomatic agents. - Eur. J. Mineral. 14, Beiheft 1, 168. (abstract)
406 JAGOUTZ, E., R. JOTTER, A. KUBNY, M. E. VARELA, R. ZARTMANN and G. KURAT (2002) Pb-U-Th isotopic evolution of the DOrbigny angrite. - Geochim. Cosmochim. Acta 66, Suppl., A362. (abstract)
407 KURAT, G., E. ZINNER and F. BRANDSTAETTER (2002) A plagioclase-olivine-spinel-magnetite inclusion from Maralinga (CK): Evidence for sequential condensation and solid-gas exchange. - Geochim. Cosmochim. Acta 66, 2959-2979.
408 MILLER, M. F., I. A. FRANCHI, M. H. THIEMENS, T. L. JACKSON, A. BRACK, G. KURAT and C. T. PILLINGER (2002) Mass-independent fractionation of oxygen isotopes during thermal decomposition of carbonates. - PNAS, Vol. 99, No. 17, 10988-10993.
409 DOBOSI, G. and G. KURAT (2002) Trace element abundances in garnets and clinopyroxenes from diamondites - a signature of carbonatitic fluids. - Mineral. Petrol. 76, 21-38.
410 BRACK, A., P. BAGLIONI, G. BORRUAT, F. BRANDSTAETTER, R. DEMETS, H. G. M. EDWARDS, M. GENGE, G. KURAT, M. F. MILLER, E. M. NEWTON, C.-A. ROTEN and E. WAESCH (2002) Do meteoroids of sedimentary origin survive terrestrial atmospheric entry? The ESA artificial meteorite experiment STONE. - Planet. Space Sci. 50, 763-772
411 LORENZ, C., G. KURAT, F. BRANDSTAETTER and M. A. NAZAROV (2003) NWA 1235: a phlogopite-bearing enstatite meteorite. - Lunar Planet. Sci. XXXIV, 1211.pdf. (abstract).
412 BADJUKOV, D. D., F. BRANDSTAETTER, M. A. IVANOVA, A. V. KOROCHANTSEV, G. KURAT, C. A. LORENZ, M. A. NAZAROV, TH. NTAFLOS, J. RAITALA and D. A. SADILENKO (2003) The Smerdyachee lake: a possible impact crater near Moscow, Russia. - Lunar Planet. Sci. XXXIV, 1566.pdf. (abstract).
413 MARUOKA, T., G. KURAT, E. ZINNER, M. E. VARELA and S. J. AMETRANO (2003) Carbon isotopic heterogeneity of graphite in the San Juan mass of the Campo del Cielo IAB iron meteorite. - Lunar Planet. Sci. XXXIV, 1663.pdf. (abstract).
414 BRANDSTAETTER, F., M. A. NAZAROV and G. KURAT (2003) Barringerite from the Santa Catharina ungrouped iron meteorite. - Lunar Planet. Sci. XXXIV, 1681.pdf. (abstract).
415 ENGLER, A., G. KURAT and P. J. SYLVESTER (2003) Trace element abundances in micro-objects from Tieschitz (H3.6), Krymka (LL3.1), Bishunpur (LL3.1) and Mezoe-Madaras (L3.7). - Lunar Planet. Sci. XXXIV, 1689.pdf. (abstract).
416 BOCTOR, N. Z., G. KURAT and C. M. O. D. ALEXANDER (2003) Sulfide-oxide assemblage in Tagish Lake carbonaceous chondrite. - Lunar Planet. Sci. XXXIV, 1705.pdf. (abstract).
417 DUPRAT, J., D. ENGRAND, M. MAURETTE, M. GOUNELLE, C. HAMMER and G. KURAT (2003) The Concordia-collection: pristine contemporary micrometeorites form Central Antarctica surface snow. - Lunar Planet. Sci. XXXIV, 1727.pdf. (abstract).
418 KURAT, G., M. E. VARELA, E. ZINNER, T. MARUOKA and F. BRANDSTAETTER (2003) Major, minor and trace elements in some glasses from the NWA 1664 howardite. - Lunar Planet. Sci. XXXIV, 1733.pdf. (abstract).
419 EBEL, D. S., A. ENGLER and G. KURAT (2003) Pyroxene chondrules from olivine-depleted, dust-enriched systems. - Lunar Planet. Sci. XXXIV, 2059.pdf. (abstract).
420 VARELA, M. E., G. KURAT and R. CLOCCHIATTI (2003) : Reply to comment: « The Nakhla Martian meteorite is a cumulate igneous rock » by A. Treiman. - Mineral. Petrol. 77, 279-285.
421 IVANOV, A. V., G. KURAT, F. BRANDSTAETTER, N. N. KONONKOVA and L. F. MIGDISOVA (2002) : The Kaidun meteorite : An enstatite aggregate with sulfide-oxide inclusions. - Geochem. Int. 40, 1139-1145. (Geokhimia 2002, 1264-1270 - in Russian).
422 VARELA, M. E., M. BONNIN-MOSBAH, G. KURAT and J. P. GALLIEN (2003): Nitrogen microanalysis of glass inclusions in chondritic olivines by nuclear reaction. - Geochim. Cosmochim. Acta 67, 1247-1257.
423 BRACK, A., P. BAGLIONI, R. DEMETS, H. G. EDWARDS, G. KURAT, M. F. MILLER and C. T. PILLINGER (2002): The artificial Martian meteorite experiment STONE-1. - Proc. Sec. Europ. Worksh. Exo/Astrobiol., Graz. ESA SP-518, 155-157. (abstract).
424 Kubny A., A. Banerjee, E. Jagoutz, M. E. Varela, F. Brandstaetter and G. Kurat (2003) Some properties of glass and carbonate in the DOrbigny angrite. EGS Meeting, April 2003, Nice. (abstract).
425 NAGUDI, B., CH. KOEBERL AND G. KURAT (2003) Petrography and geochemistry of the Singo granite, Uganda, and implications for its origin. J. African Earth Sci. 36 (2003) 73-87.
426 HAMMER, C. U., G. KURAT, P. HOPPE, W. GRUM and H. B. CLAUSEN (2003) Thera eruption date 1645 BC confirmed by new ice core data? Proc. SCIEM 2000 - EuroConference Haindorf, Denkschr. OEsterr. Akad. Wiss. XXIX, 87-94.
427 BRACK, A., P. BAGLIONI, R. DEMETS, H. G. EDWARDS, G. KURAT, M. F. MILLER and C. T. PILLINGER (2003) The artificial Martian meteorite experiment STONE-1. Geochim. Cosmochim. Acta 67 (S1), A 45 (abstract).
428 KURAT, G., M. E. VARELA, E. ZINNER and F. BRANDSTAETTER (2003) Do glasses in achondritic meteorites share a common source? Geochim. Cosmochim. Acta 67 (S1), A 240 (abstract).
429 KUBNY, A., A. BANERJEE, E. JAGOUTZ, M. E. VARELA, F. BRANDSTAETTER and G. KURAT (2003) Some properties of an unusual glass and carbonate in the DOrbigny angrite. Meteoritics Planet. Sci. 38, Suppl., A 24 (abstract).
430 DEMIDOVA, S. I., M. A. NAZAROV, G. KURAT, F. BRANDSTAETTER and T. NTAFLOS (2003) Lunar meteorite DHOFAR 310: a polymict breccia with deep-seated lunar crustal material. Meteoritics Planet. Sci. 38, Suppl., A 30 (abstract).
431 JOTTER, R., E. JAGOUTZ, M. E. VARELA, R. ZARTMAN and G. KURAT (2003) Lead isotopic study of glasses from the DOrbigny angrite. Meteoritics Planet. Sci. 38, Suppl., A 53 (abstract).
432 KURAT, G., M. E. VARELA, E. ZINNER and F. BRANDSTAETTER (2003) Large plates of anorthite-olivine intergrowths in the DOrbigny angrite. Meteoritics Planet. Sci. 38, Suppl., A 57 (A107) (abstract).
433 VARELA, M. E., G. KURAT, E. ZINNER and F. BRANDSTAETTER (2003) Glasses in the DOrbigny angrite. Meteoritics Planet. Sci. 38, Suppl., A 59 (abstract).
434 BRANDSTAETTER, F., M. BUKOVANSKA and G. KURAT (2003) NWA 1559: another anomalous CK3 chondrite? Meteoritics Planet. Sci. 38, Suppl., A 63 (abstract).
435 JAGOUTZ, E., R. JOTTER, A. KUBNY, M. E. VARELA, R. ZARTMAN, G. KURAT and G. W. LUGMAIR (2003) Cm?-U-Th-Pb isotopic evolution of the DOrbigny angrite. Meteoritics Planet. Sci. 38, Suppl., A 81 (abstract).
436 BUKOVANSKA, M., F. BRANDSTAETTER and G. KURAT (2003) NWA 1560 (CK4/5) and NWA 1563 (DK5) - a comparison with HaH 280 (CK4) chondrite. Meteoritics Planet. Sci. 38, Suppl., A 84 (abstract).
437 ENGLER, A., G. KURAT and P. SYLVESTER (2003) A chemical and petrological study of chondrules and micro-objects in some CM2, CR2, and C3 chondrites. Meteoritics Planet. Sci. 38, Suppl., A 86 (abstract).
438 KURAT, G. (2003) Why iron meteorites cannot be samples of planetesimal smelting. Evolution of Solar System Materials: A New Perspective from Antarctic Meteorites, NIPR, Tokyo, 65-66. (abstract).
439 VARELA, M. E., G. KURAT, E. ZINNER, N. METRICH, F. BRANDSTAETTER, TH. NTAFLOS and P. SYLVESTER (2003) Glasses in the D’Orbigny angrite. Geochim. Cosmochim. Acta 67, 5027-5046.
440 Jessberger, E. K. and the International GENTNER Team (2004) GENTNER - A MINIATURISED LASER INSTRUMENT FOR PLANETARY IN-SITU ANALYSIS. EGU04-A-03878.pdf. (abstract).
441 Demidova S. I., M. A. Nazarov, G. Kurat, F. Brandstaetter, T. Ntaflos, R. N. Clayton and T. K. Mayeda (2004) DHOFAR 732: A MG-RICH ORTHOPYROXENITIC ACHONDRITE. Lunar Planet. Sci. XXXV, 1266.pdf. (abstract).
442 Kurat G., M. E. Varela, E. Zinner, P. Hoppe, T. Ntaflos and M. Nazarov (2004) TRACE ELEMENT DISTRIBUTION BETWEEN PHASES OF THE D´ORBIGNY ANGRITE. Lunar Planet. Sci. XXXV, 1618.pdf. (abstract).
443 Maurette M., A.Brack, J.Duprat, C. Engrand, G. Kurat (2004) HIGH INPUT RATES OF MICROMETEORITIC SULFUR, "SMOKE" PARTICLES AND OLIGOELEMENTS ON THE EARLY EARTH. Lunar Planet. Sci. XXXV, 1625.pdf. (abstract).
444 Meshik A., G. Kurat, O. Pravdivtseva, and C. M. Hohenberg (2004) RADIOGENIC 129-XENON IN SILICATE INCLUSIONS IN THE CAMPO DEL CIELO IRON METEORITE. Lunar Planet. Sci. XXXV, 1687.pdf. (abstract).
445 Kurat G., E. Zinner, F. Brandstaetter and A. V. Ivanov (2004) Enstatite aggregates with niningerite, heideite and oldhamite from the Kaidun carbonaceous chondrite: relatives of aubrites and EH chondrites? Meteoritics Planet. Sci. 39, 53-60.
446 Maruoka T., G. Kurat, G. Dobosi and C. Koeberl (2004) Isotopic composition of carbon in diamonds of diamondites: Record of mass fractionation in the upper mantle. Geochim. Cosmochim. Acta 68, 1635-1644.
447 Kurat G., M. E. Varela, F. Brandstaetter, G. Weckwerth, R. N. Clayton, H. W. Weber, L. Schultz, E. Waesch and M. A. Nazarov (2004) DOrbigny: A non-igneous angritic achondrite? Geochim. Cosmochim. Acta 68, 1901-1921.
448 Scorzelli R. B., I. Souza Azevedo, S. Stewart, M.E. Varela and G. Kurat (2004) DRUSE PYROXENES IN DORBIGNY: A MOESSBAUER SPECTROSCOPY STUDY. Meteoritics Planet. Sci. 39, Suppl. A96. (abstract).
449 Varela M. E. and G. Kurat (2004) GLASSES IN METEORITES: A UNIFICATION MODEL. Meteoritics Planet. Sci. 39, Suppl. A101. (abstract).
450 Kurat G., M. E. Varela, E. Zinner and A. Engler (2004) CONDENSATION ORIGIN MODEL FOR CHONDRULES. Meteoritics Planet. Sci. 39, Suppl. A57. (abstract).
451 Engler A., G. Kurat and P. J. Sylvester (2004) TRACE ELEMENT ABUNDANCES IN CHONDRULES FROM KNYAHINYA (L/LL5) AND OUZINA (R4). Meteoritics Planet. Sci. 39, Suppl., A37. (abstract).
452 Matsuda J., M. Namba, T. Maruoka, T. Matsumoto and G. Kurat (2004) Noble gases in a graphite-metal inclusion from Canyon Diablo: The presence of El Taco Xe in IAB iron meteorites. Meteoritics Planet. Sci. 39, Suppl., A65. (abstract).
453 Maurette M., G. Kurat, J. Duprat and C. Engrand (2004) Micrometeoritic nickel in the Martian soil. 35th COSPAR Scientific Assembly, .Paris, France. (abstract).
454 Maurette M., J. Duprat, C. Engrand, M. Gounelle and G. Kurat (2004) Micrometeoritic volatiles on Mars. 35th COSPAR Scientific Assembly, .Paris, France. (abstract).
455 BOCTOR, N. Z., J. WANG, C.M.O.D. ALEXANDER, E. HAURI, G. KURAT, AND M.A. NAZAROV (2004) Sulfur isotope signatures of sulfides from Bo(r)iskino CM chondrite. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta 68(11), A763 (abstract).
456 Nazarov, M. A., S. I. Demidova, F. Brandstaetter, Th. Ntaflos and G. Kurat (2005) DEEP-SEATED CRUSTAL MATERIAL IN DHOFAR LUNAR METEORITES: EVIDENCE FROM PYROXENE CHEMISTRY. Lunar and Planetary Science Conference XXXVI, Houston, Texas, 1063.pdf (abstract).
457 Ivanova, M. A., M. A. Nazarov, F., Brandstaetter, L. V. Moroz, Th. Ntaflos and G. Kurat (2005) MINERALOGICAL DIFFERENCES BETWEEN METAMORPHOSED AND NON-METAMORPHOSED CM CHONDRITES. Lunar and Planetary Science Conference XXXVI, Houston, Texas, 1054.pdf (abstract).
458 Varela, M. E., Kurat, G and Zinner E. (2005) Can glasses help us to unravel the origin of barred olivine chondrules? Lunar and Planetary Science Conference XXXVI, Houston, Texas, 1436.pdf (abstract). (Poster)
459 Demidova, S. I., M. A. Nazarov, G. Kurat, F. Brandstaetter, T. Ntaflos (2005) NEW LUNAR METEORITES FROM OMAN: DHOFAR 925, 960 AND 961. Lunar and Planetary Science Conference XXXVI, Houston, Texas, 1607.pdf (abstract).
460 Lorenz, C. A., M. A. Ivanova, G. Kurat, F. Brandstaetter (2005) FeO-RICH XENOLITHS IN THE STAROYE PESYANOE AUBRITE. Lunar and Planetary Science Conference XXXVI, Houston, Texas, 1612.pdf (abstract).
461 Duprat, J., C. Engrand, M. Maurette, M. Gounelle, G. Kurat and H. Leroux (2005) Friable micrometeorites from Central Antarctica snow. Lunar and Planetary Science Conference XXXVI, Houston, Texas, 1678.pdf (abstract).
462 Badjukov, D. D., F. Brandstaetter, G. Kurat, E. Libowitsky and J. Raitala (2005) RINGWOODITE-OLIVINE ASSEMBLAGES IN DHOFAR 922 L6 MELT VEINS. Lunar and Planetary Science Conference XXXVI, Houston, Texas, 1684.pdf (abstract).
463 Kurat G; Varela, M. E. and Zinner, E. (2005) Silicate inclusions in the Kodaikanal IIE iron meteorite. Lunar and Planetary Science Conference XXXVI, Houston, Texas, 1814.pdf (abstract).
464 BJERG, E. A.; T. Ntaflos, G. Kurat, G. Dobosi and C. H. Labudia (2005) The upper mantle beneath Patagonia, Argentina, documented by xenoliths from alkali basalts. Journal of South American Earth Sciences 18, 125-145.
465 Varela, M. E., Kurat, G, Zinner, E. and Brandstaetter, F. (2005) SIMS study of glasses in the Cachari eucrite: One more piece of evidence for a common source for most glasses in meteorites? EGU05, Vienna, EGU05-A-07425. (abstract). (Poster)
466 Kurat, G. (2005) Meteoriten. Ein neues Bild der ausserirdischen Besucher, erarbeitet in und mit der Sammlung des Naturhistorischen Museums in Wien. In: N. Widauer (Hrsg.) Meteoriten, was von aussen auf uns einstuerzt. Verlag Niggli, Sulgen/Zuerich, pp15-64.
467 Dobosi, G. and Kurat G. (2005) Silicate-bearing diamondites. Internat. Symposium on Evolution of Continental Lithosphere, Origin of Diamonds and Diamond Deposits., Novosibirsk, June 3-5. p102-103. (abstract).
468 Litvin, Yu. A., Kurat, G. and Dobosi, G. (2005) Diamondite formation in carbonate-silicate melts of natural carbonatites (experimental modeling). Internat. Symposium on Evolution of Continental Lithosphere, Origin of Diamonds and Diamond Deposits., Novosibirsk, June 3-5. p128. (abstract).
469 Kurat, G., ZINNER, E. and Varela, M. E. (2005) Trace element abundances in St. Aubin (UNGR iron) giant chromite and associated phases. Meteoritics Planet. Sci. 40, Suppl., A88. (abstract). (Poster)
470 Abdu Y. A., I. Souza Azevedo, S. J. Stewart, Ada Lopez, M. E. Varela, G. Kurat and R. B. Scorzelli (2005) Glasses in the DOrbigny and Cachari meteorites: A Moessbauer study. Meteoritics Planet. Sci. 40, Suppl., A13. (abstract).
471 VARELA, M. E., G. KURAT, E. ZINNER, P. HOPPE, Th. NTAFLOS and M. A. NAZAROV (2005) The non-igneous genesis of angrites: support from trace element distribution between phases in DOrbigny. Meteoritics Planet. Sci. 40, 409-430.
472 Matsuda, J.-I, Namba, M., Maruoka, T., Matsumoto, T. and Kurat, G. (2005) Primordial noble gases in a graphite-metal inclusion from the Canyon Diablo IAB iron meteorite and their implications. Meteoritics Planet. Sci. 40, 431-443.
473 Chaussidon M., F. Robert, M. Gounelle, G. Kurat and J.-A. Barrat (2005) LI AND B ISOTOPIC SYSTEMATICS IN CAIS, CHONDRULES AND DIFFERENTIATED METEORITES. Meteoritics Planet. Sci. 40, Suppl., A29. (abstract).
474 VARELA M. E., G. KURAT and E. ZINNER (2005) A liquid-supported condensation of major minerals in the solar nebula: evidence from glasses in the Kaba (CV3) chondrite. Icarus 178, 553-569.
475 Gounelle, M., Engrand, C., Maurette, M., Kurat, G., McKeegan, K. D. and Brandstaetter, F. (2005) Small Antarctic micrometeorites: A mineralogical and in situ oxygen isotope study. Meteoritics Planet. Sci. 40, 917-932.
476 Litvin, Yu. A., Kurat G. and Dobosi G. (2005) Experimental study of diamond formation in carbonatite-silicate melts: a model approach to natural processes. Russian Geology and Geophysics (Geologiya i Geofisika) 46, 1285-1299 (1304-1317).
477 Kurat G. (2005) Eugen Friedrich Stumpfl. Nachruf. Almanach OEsterr. Akad. Wiss., 155. Jahrgang, 469-476.
478 Maruoka, T., M. E. Varela, G. Kurat and E. Zinner (2006) Isotopically heavy and heterogeneous C in graphite of the Vaca Muerta mesosiderite. Lunar and Planetary Science Conference XXXVII, Houston, Texas, 1449.pdf (abstract).
479 Varela, M. E. and Kurat, G. (2006) AN UNIVERSAL METEORITE FORMATION PROCESS. Meteoritics & Planetary Science 41, Supplement, A180 (abstract)
480-1 480-2  Kurat G., E. Zinner, M. E. Varela and S. I. Demidova (2006) A NEBULAR ORIGIN OF CHLORAPATITE AND SILICATE GLASS IN THE GUIN (UNGR) IRON. Meteoritics & Planetary Science 41, Supplement, A102 (abstract)
481 Brandstaetter F. and G. Kurat (2006) UNUSAL WEATHERING EFFECTS IN THE EL6 CHONDRITE NORTHWEST AFRICA 4282. Meteoritics & Planetary Science 41, Supplement, A28 (abstract)
482 Engrand C., J. Duprat, M. Maurette, G. Kurat, M. Gounelle (2006) COMPARISON OF ANHYDROUS MINERALS OFCONCORDIA AND CAP-PRUDHOMME ANTARCTIC MICROMETEORITES. PREDICTIONS FOR WILD-2 COMETARY PARTICLES. Meteoritics & Planetary Science 41, Supplement, A51 (abstract)
483 Duprat J., C. Engrand, M. Maurette, F. Naulin, G. Kurat and M. Gounelle (2006) THE MICROMETEORITE MASS FLUX AS RECORDED IN DOME C CENTRAL ANTARCTIC SURFACE SNOW. Meteoritics & Planetary Science 41, Supplement, A48 (abstract)
484 Maurette M. and G. Kurat (2006) MISSING "CARROTS" IN THE STARDUST AEROGEL. Meteoritics & Planetary Science 41, Supplement, A117 (abstract) (Poster)
485 VARELA M. E., G. KURAT and E. ZINNER (2006) The primary liquid condensation model and the origin of barred olivine chondrules. Icarus 184, 344-364.
486 Ntaflos Th., E. A. Bjerg, C. H. Labudia and G. Kurat (2006) Depleted lithosphere from the mantle wedge beneath Tres Lagos, southern Patagonia, Argentina. Lithos 94, 46-65.
487 Maurette M., J. Duprat, C. Engrand and G. Kurat (2006) From Earth to Mars with micrometeorite volatiles. Advances in Space Research 38, 701-708.
488 Varela M. E., E. Zinner and G. Kurat (2007) Trace element abundances of glass-bearing inclusions in Chassigny. Lunar and Planetary Science Conference XXXVIII, Houston, Texas, 1139.pdf (abstract). (Poster)
489 Abdu Y. A., I. Souza Azevedo, S. J. Stewart, A. Lopez, M. E. Varela, G. Kurat and R. B. Scorzelli (2006) Moessbauer study of glasses in meteorites: the DOrbigny angrite and Cachari eucrite. Hyperfine Interact. 166, 543-547.
490 Lorenz K. A., M. A. Nazarov, G. Kurat, F. Brandstaetter and Th. Ntaflos (2007) Foreign meteoritic material of howardites and polymict eucrites. Petrology 15, 109-125. (Original Russian version in: Petrologiya 15, 115-132.)
491 Kurat G. (2007) Ions help decipher the messages from the early solar nebula. In: SIMS in the Space Sciences: The Zinner Impact, Symposium organized by the Laboratory for Space Sciences, Physics Department, Department of Earth and Planetary Sciences, McDonnell Center for the Space Sciences, Washington University, St. Louis, Missouri, February 3-4, 2007. (Poster)
492 Demidova S. I., M. A. Nazarov, C. A. Lorenz, G. Kurat, F. Brandstaetter and Th. Ntaflos (2007) Chemical composition of Lunar meteorites and the Lunar crust. Petrology 15, 386-407. (Russian Original in Petrologiya 15, 2007, pp 416-437)
493 Maurette M., G. Kurat and C. Engrand (2007) FROM ANTARTICA TO STARDUST AEROGEL. Meteoritics & Planetary Science 42, Suppl.,A101 (5082). (abstract)
494 Varela M. E., R. Clocchiatti R. and G. Kurat (2007) Glass inclusions in Allende (CV3) olivine: Heating experiments. Meteoritics & Planetary Science 42, Suppl., A154 (5112). (abstract)
495 DOBOSI G., G. KURAT, F. WALL AND T. JEFFRIES (2007)Trace element fractionation during exsolution of garnet from clinopyroxene in an eclogite xenolith from Obnazhennaya (Siberia). Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta 71, Suppl., A227 (abstract) (Poster) (Poster)
496 MAURETTE M., G. KURAT AND C. ENGRAND (2007) On the primitivity of the Wild 2 cometary dust. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta 71, Suppl., A639 (abstract)
497 NTAFLOS Th., G. KURAT AND S. SWOBODA (2007) The nature of the Arabian lithospheric mantle beneath Aritain Volcano, NE Jordan. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta 71, Suppl., A726 (abstract)
498 Kogarko L. N., G. Kurat and Th. Ntaflos (2007) Henrymeyerite in the metasomatized upper mantle of Eastern Antarctica. The Canadian Mineralogist 45, 497-501.
499 Engler A., M. E. Varela, G. Kurat, D. Ebel, and P. Sylvester (2007) The origin of non-porphyritic pyroxene chondrules in UOCs: Liquid solar nebula condensates? Icarus 192, 248-286
500 KURAT G., E. ZINNER, and M. E. VARELA (2007) Trace element studies of silicate-rich inclusions in the Guin (UNGR) and Kodaikanal (IIE) iron meteorites. Meteoritics & Planetary Science 42, 1441-1463.
501 Varela M. E., E. Zinner, and G. Kurat (2008) GLASSES IN TUCSON (IRUNGR): A SIMS STUDY. Lunar and Planetary Science Conference XXXIX, Houston, Texas, 1373.pdf (abstract). (poster)
502 Westall F., R. Demets, F. Brandstaetter, H.E.G. Edwards, C.S. Cockell, J. Parnell, J. Pillinger, S. Sanchez-Frey, G. Kurat, and A. Brack (2008) STONE 6: ARTIFICIAL METEORITES IN SPACE. Lunar and Planetary Science Conference XXXIX, Houston, Texas, 1538.pdf (abstract).
503 Badjukov D. D., F. Brandstaetter, G. Kurat, and J. Raitala (2008) HYDROUS IRON PHOSPHATES IN THE CHONDRITIC IMPACT MELT BRECCIA NWA 4218. Lunar and Planetary Science Conference XXXIX, Houston, Texas, 1606.pdf (abstract).
504 Westall F., R. Demets, F. Brandstaetter, H.G.M. Edwards, C.S. Cockell, J. Parnell, J. Pillinger, I. Franchi, G. Kurat, A. Brack (2008) Stone 6: artificial sedimentary meteorites in space. Geophysical Research Abstracts, Vol. 10, EGU2008-A-04592, EGU General Assembly 2008.
505 Brandstaetter F., A. Brack, P. Baglioni, Ch. S. Cockell, R. Demets, H. G. M. Edwards, G. Kurat, G. R. Osinski, J. M. Pillinger, C.-A. Roten, and S. Sancisi-Frey (2008) Mineralogical alteration of artificial meteorites during atmospheric entry. The STONE-5 experiment. Planetary and Space Science 56, 976-984.
506 Varela M. E. and G. Kurat (2008) GLASSES IN MICROMETEORITES. Meteoritics & Planetary Science 43, Suppl., A162 (#5115). (abstract)
507 Kurat G., M. E. Varela, and E. Zinner (2008) AlO(OH) IS A MAJOR CONSTITUENT OF THE CAI "BLUE MOON" FROM THE RENAZZO (CV3) CHONDRITE. Meteoritics & Planetary Science 43, Suppl., A82 (#5235). (abstract)
508 Dobosi G. and G. Kurat (2008) Origin of silicate-bearing diamondites. (2008) 9th International Kimberlite Conference, Frankfurt, 10-15 August, extended abstract No. 9IKC-A-00088.
509 Ntaflos Th., G. Dobosi, Yu. Litvin, G. Kurat (2008) Elemental distribution between diamondite-forming carbonatite melts and syngenetic minerals under experimental mantle conditions. 9th International Kimberlite Conference, Frankfurt, 10-15 August, extended abstract No. 9IKC-A-00317.
510 Rege S., W.L. Griffin, S.E. Jackson, N.J. Pearson, Suzanne Y. OReilly, D. Zedgenizov, and G. Kurat (2008) Trace-element geochemistry of diamond. 9th International Kimberlite Conference, Frankfurt, 10-15 August, extended abstract No. 9IKC-A-00044.
511 Rege S., W.L. Griffin, G. Kurat, S.E. Jackson, N.J. Pearson, and S.Y. OReilly (2008) Trace-element geochemistry of diamondite: Crystallisation of diamond from kimberlite-carbonatite melts. Lithos 106, 39-54.
512 Cockell, C.S., Brack, A., Wynn-Williams, D.D., Baglioni, P., Brandstaetter, F., Demets, R., Edwards, H., Gronstal, A., Kurat, G., Lee, P., Osinski, G.R., Pearce D., Pillinger, J., Roten, C.A., and Sancisi-Frey, S. (2007) Interplanetary transfer of photosynthesis: an experimental demonstration of a selective dispersal filter in planetary island biogeography. Astrobiology 7, 1-9.
513 Westall F., R. Demets, F. Brandstaetter, H. Edwards, C. Cockell, J. Parnell, J. Pillinger, G. Kurat, and A. Brack (2008) STONE 6: MARS-ANALOGUE ARTIFICIAL SEDIMENTARY METEORITES IN SPACE. 37th COSPAR Scientific Assembly 2008, #2797.
514 Westall F., R. Demets, F. Brandstaetter, H.G.M. Edwards, C.S. Cockell, J. Parnell, F. Foucher, G. Kurat, A. Brack (2008) STONE 6: Sedimentary meteors from Mars. European Planetary Science Congress, Abstracts Vol. 3, EPSC2008-A-04592.
515 Nishimura C., J.-I. Matsuda and G. Kurat (2008) Noble gas content and isotope abundances in phases of the Saint-Aubin (UNGR) iron meteorite. Meteoritics & Planetary Science 43, 1333-1350.
516 Nazarov M. A., Th. Ntaflos, F. Brandstaetter, and G. Kurat (2009) FeO/MnO ratios of lunar meteorite minerals. 40th Lunar and Planetary Science Conference, Houston, Texas, 1059.pdf (abstract).
517 Varela M. E., E. Zinner, and G. Kurat (2009) Chondrule Tieschitz IIIM: Clues to the origin of early liquids? 40th Lunar and Planetary Science Conference, Houston, Texas, 1390.pdf (abstract).
518 Badjukov D. D., F. Brandstaetter, J. Raitala, and G. Kurat (2009) Unmelted FeNi metal micrometeorites from the Novaya Zemlya glacier. 40th Lunar and Planetary Science Conference, Houston, Texas, 1499.pdf (abstract).
519 Kurat G., E. Zinner, M. E. Varela, and T. Ntaflos (2009) SiGrMet05: a silicate-graphite-metal inclusion from the Campo del Cielo (IAB) iron. 40th Lunar and Planetary Science Conference, Houston, Texas, 1536.pdf (abstract).
520 Pravdivtseva O., A. Meshik, C. M. Hohenberg and G. Kurat (2009) I-Xe system in Campo del Cielo silicates. 40th Lunar and Planetary Science Conference, Houston, Texas, 1578.pdf (abstract).
521a Nazarov M. A., G. Kurat, F. Brandstaetter, Th. Ntaflos, M. Chaussidon, and P. Hoppe (2009) Phosporistye sulfidy i ikh assotsiatsii v CM khondritakh. Petrologiya 17, no. 2, 115-138. (in Russian).
521b Nazarov M. A., G. Kurat, F. Brandstaetter, Th. Ntaflos, M. Chaussidon, and P. Hoppe (2009) Phosphorus-bearing sulfides and their assemblages in CM chondrites. Petrologiya 17, no. 2, 101-123.
522 Westall F., R. Demets, F. Brandstaetter, H.G.M. Edwards, C.S. Cockell, J. Parnell, F. Foucher, G. Kurat, A. Brack (2009) Can Martian rocks carrying Martian microfossils make it to Earth? Orig Life Evo Biosph 39: 5. Abstr. EANA Neuchâtel, Switzerland, September 2008.DOI 10.1007/s11084-008-9155-0.
523 Abdu Y. A., R. B. Scorzelli, M. E. Varela, G. Kurat, I. de Souza Azevedo, S. J. Stewart, and F. C. Hawthorne (2009) Druse clinopyroxene in DOrbigny angritic meteorite studied by single-crystal X-ray diffraction, electron microprobe analysis, and Moessbauer spectroscopy. Meteoritics & Planetary Science 44, 581-587.
524 Varela M. E. and G. Kurat (2009) Glasses in coarse-grained micrometeorites. Earth and Planetary Science Letters 284, 208-218.
525 Foucher F., F. Westall, F. Brandstaetter, R. Demets, J. Parnell, C. Cockell, H. Edwards, G. Kurat, and A. Brack (2009) Testing the survival of microfossils during entry into the Earths atmosphere: The STONE 6 Experiment. Meteoritics & Planetary Science 44, Suppl., A207 (#5055). (abstract)
526 Buchner E., G. Kurat, M. Schmieder, U. Kramar, J. Kroechert, and T. Ntaflos (2009) Mythological artifacts made of celestial bodies - A Buddhist deity of meteoritic iron. Meteoritics & Planetary Science 44, Suppl., A43 (#5074). (abstract)
527 Varela M.E., E. Zinner, and G. Kurat (2009) SIMS study of Tucson (IRUNGR) silicates. Meteoritics & Planetary Science 44, Suppl., A210 (#5091). (abstract)
528 Varela M.E., E. Zinner, M.E. Zucolotto, and G. Kurat (2009) SIMS study of an unknown silicate phase from the Patos de Minas IIA iron. Meteoritics & Planetary Science 44, Suppl., A211 (#5092). (abstract)
529 Badjukov D.D., F. Brandstaetter, J. Raitala, and G. Kurat. (2009) Unmelted achondritic micrometeorites from the Novaya Zemlya glacier. Meteoritics & Planetary Science 44, Suppl., A26 (#5224). (abstract)
530 Pravdivtseva, O. V., A. P. Meshik, C. M. Hohenberg, and G. Kurat (2009) New I-Xe ages of Campo del Cielo silicates. Meteoritics & Planetary Science 44, Suppl., A171 (#5432). (abstract)
531 Varela M. E. and G. Kurat (2009) Glasses in meteorites and the Primary Liquid Condensation Model. Mitteilungen der OEsterreichischen Mineralogischen Gesellschaft 155, 279-320.
532 KURAT G., M.E. VARELA and ZINNER E. (2010) Chondrule Tieschitz XII revisited: reading a very old logbook; 41st Lunar and Planetary Science Conference, Houston, Texas, 1315.pdf (abstract).
533 M.E VARELA, G. KURAT, E. ZINNER and F. BRANDSTAETTER (2010) The Tuscon Ungrouped Iron Meteorite: A step in deciphering its enigmatic origin; 41st Lunar and Planetary Science Conference, Houston, Texas, 1316.pdf (abstract).
534 M.E. VARELA, G. KURAT, E. ZINNER, P. HOPPE (2010) Dark inclusion Allende 4884-2B provides new insights on the formation of fayalitic Olivine; 41st Lunar and Planetary Science Conference, Houston, Texas, 1317.pdf (abstract).
535 M.E. VARELA, E. ZINNER, and G. KURAT (2010) Chondrule Acfer I: Trace element abundances reflect vapor frationation; 73rd Annual Meteoritical Society Meeting (2010); 5041.pdf (abstract).
536 G. KURAT, M.E. VARELA, E. ZINNER, and F. BRANDSTAETTER (2010) The Tucson ungrouped iron meteorite and its relationship to chondrites; Meteoritics & Planetary Science 45, 1982-2006.
537 M.E. VARELA, E. ZINNER, G. KURAT, D. MAGNELLI (2011) Acfer 182 Chondrules give evidence for direct condensation of enstatite-rich liquids from the solar nebula. 42nd Lunar and Planetary Science Conference (2011); 1497.pdf (abstract).
538 Maria E. VARELA, Ernst ZINNER, Gero KURAT, Hao-Tsu CHU and Peter HOPPE (2012) New insights into the formation of fayalitic olivine from Allende dark illusions. Meteoritcs & Planetary Science 47, Nr. 5, 832-853 (2012).
539 Maria Eugenia VARELA, Paul SYLVESTER, Almut ENGLER, and Gero KURAT (2012). Nonporphyritic chondrules from equilibrated Rumuruti and ordinary chondrites: Chemical evidence of secondary processing. Meteoritcs & Planetary Science 47, Nr. 10, 1537-1557 (2012)
540 Hwang S-L, Shen P, Chu H-T, Yui T-F, Varela M.E. and Iuzuka Y (2014) KURATITE (IMA 2013-109): THE "UNKNOWN" Fe-Al-Ti SILICATE FROM THE ANGRITE D`ORBIGNY. 45th Lunar and Planetary Science Conference (2014), 1818.pdf (abstract).
541 S.-L. HWANG, P. SHEN, H.-T. CHU, T.-F. YUI, M.-E. VARELA AND Y. IIZUKA (2016) Kuratite, Ca₄(Fe²₁₀+Ti₂)O₄[Si₈Al₄O₃₆], the Fe²+-analogue of rhoenite, a new mineral from the D`Orbigny angrite meteorite
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